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Project: A Multi-Model, Multi-Scale Research Program in Stressors, Responses, and Coupled Systems Dynamics at the Energy-Water-Land Nexus (Program on Coupled Human and Earth Systems - "PCHES")
Title Date
How do Downscaling and Bias-Correction Alter the Uncertainty Decomposition of Future Climate Projections? MSD -
A Combined Sensitivity Analysis of Future Soil Moisture Projections in the Central United States MSD -
A Combined Sensitivity Analysis of Future Soil Moisture Projections in the Central United States MSD -
Downscaling and Bias-Correction Contribute Considerable Uncertainty to Local Climate Projections in CMIP6 MSD -
Challenges and Opportunities for Uncertainty Analysis in Multi-Sector Systems MSD -
Uncertainty in the Representation of Climate Extremes Across Downscaled and Bias-Corrected CMIP Model Ensembles RGMA MSD -
Key Uncertainties Differ When Characterizing Flood Hazards Versus Risks MSD
Adaptation to Human Heat Stress: The Role of Labor Migration, Economic Responses, and Land Use Changes MSD
How important is model calibration for improving flood hazard characterization? MSD
Scalability of the Farmable Wetlands Program – existing program is only one piece of the puzzle in meeting nitrate reduction targets MSD
Statistically bias-corrected and downscaled climate models underestimate the adverse effects of extreme heat on U.S. maize yields MSD
Can property level flood losses be reliably predicted? MSD
Characterizing Uncertainties in the Crop Switching Decision Problem for U.S. Agriculture MSD
Characterizing Deep Uncertainties is Crucial to Improving Climate Risk Management MSD
Skillful Prediction of U.K. Seasonal Energy Consumption Based on Climate Information MSD
Uncertainties in Driving Agricultural Models with Downscaled and Bias-Corrected Climate Information MSD
Uncertainty in Energy-Water Climate Impacts: Review and Recommendations MSD
Mid-Century Temperature Shifts' Heterogeneous Impacts on the Demand for Electricity: Evidence from World Cities MSD
Flood Loss Risk and Its Drivers: Evidence from Massachusetts Residential Properties MSD

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