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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Real-time attribution of the influence of climate change on extreme weather events: a storyline case study of Hurricane Ian rainfall RGMA MSD Journal Article Reed, Kevin A Stony Brook University
Arctic cyclones have become more intense and longer-lived over the past seven decades RGMA Journal Article Zhang, Xiangdong North Carolina State University
A Moist Potential Vorticity Model for Midlatitude Long-Lived Mesoscale Convective Systems over Land RGMA Journal Article Yang, Qiu Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Recreating the California New Year's Flood Event of 1997 in a Regionally Refined Earth System Model RGMA MSD Journal Article Rhoades, Alan M. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Incorporating the Effect of Large‐Scale Vertical Motion on Convection Through Convective Mass Flux Adjustment in E3SMv2 ESMD RGMA Journal Article Song, Xiaoliang Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Evaluating skill in predicting the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation in initialized decadal climate prediction hindcasts in E3SMv1 and CESM1 using two different initialization methods and a small set of start years RGMA Journal Article Meehl, Gerald A. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
The Role of Bjerknes and Shortwave Feedbacks in the Tropical Pacific SST Response to Global Warming RGMA Journal Article Fu, Minmin Yale University
Continental United States climate projections based on thermodynamic modification of historical weather RGMA MSD Journal Article Jones, Andrew D. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
A new method for predicting hurricane rapid intensification based on co-occurring environmental parameters RGMA Journal Article Narayanan, Anushka Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Persistent ocean anomalies as a response to Northern Hemisphere heating induced by biomass burning variability RGMA Journal Article Yamaguchi, Ryohei Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Stronger Tropical Cyclone–Induced Ocean Cooling in Near-Coastal Regions Compared to the Open Ocean RGMA Journal Article Dac Da, Nguyen Vietnam National University
Assessing decadal variability of subseasonal forecasts of opportunity using explainable AI RGMA Journal Article Arcodia, Marybeth C Colorado State University
Climate Base State Influences on South Asian Monsoon Processes Derived From Analyses of E3SMv2 and CESM2 RGMA Journal Article Meehl, Gerald A. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Investigation of Under‐Ice Phytoplankton Growth in the Fully‐Coupled, High‐Resolution Regional Arctic System Model RGMA Journal Article Clement Kinney, Jaclyn Naval Postgraduate School
A need for actionable climate projections across the Global South RGMA Journal Article Mishra, Saroj K. Indian Institute of Technology
Typologies of actionable climate information and its use RGMA MSD Journal Article Jagannathan, Kripa Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Connecting extreme weather events to climate change RGMA Journal Article Wehner, Michael Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Assessment of the Pan-Arctic Accelerated Rate of Sea Ice Decline in CMIP6 Historical Simulations RGMA Journal Article Lee, Younjoo J. Naval Postgraduate School
Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Climatology, Extremes, and Flooding Potential from Remote Sensing and Reanalysis Datasets over the Continental United States RGMA Journal Article Mazza, Edoardo University of Washington
Comparing land surface temperature and mean radiant temperature for urban heat mapping in Philadelphia RGMA Journal Article Li, Xiaojiang Temple University
Long-term change and geospatial patterns of river ice cover and navigability in Southcentral Alaska detected with remote sensing RGMA Journal Article Brown, Dana R. N. University of Alaska Fairbanks
Storylines for unprecedented heatwaves based on ensemble boosting RGMA Journal Article Fischer, E. M. ETH Zurich - Switzerland
Comparison of methods to estimate aerosol effective radiative forcings in climate models RGMA Journal Article Zelinka, Mark Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Near-term tropical cyclone risk and coupled Earth system model biases RGMA Journal Article Sobel, Adam H. Columbia University
A Pacific Tropical Decadal Variability Challenge for Climate Models RGMA Journal Article Zhao, Yingying Laoshan Laboratory - China
A review of recent advances in urban flood research RGMA Journal Article Agonafir, Candace City University of New York (City College)
Future regional increases in simultaneous large Western USA wildfires RGMA Journal Article McGinnis, Seth National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Cross‐Equatorial Surges Boost MJO's Southward Detour Over the Maritime Continent RGMA Journal Article Lubis, Sandro W. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Connecting Large‐Scale Meteorological Patterns to Extratropical Cyclones in CMIP6 Climate Models Using Self‐Organizing Maps RGMA Journal Article Gore, Michelle J. Pennsylvania State University
Intensification of Hurricane Sally (2020) over the Mississippi River Plume RGMA Journal Article John, Effy B. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Showing 91 - 120 of 1378