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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Improving the Characterization of Clouds, Aerosols and the Cryosphere in Climate Models ESMD Technical Report Jones, Philip Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Toward a Minimal Representation of Aerosols in Climate Models: Comparative Decomposition of Aerosol Direct, Semi-Direct and Indirect Radiative Forcing ESMD Journal Article Ghan, Steven J Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Methods of Projecting Future Changes in Extremes Book Chapter Wehner, Michael
Simplified Metrics for the Identification of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in Models RGMA Journal Article Sperber, Kenneth Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Climate Change Modeling and Downscaling: Issues and Methodological Perspectives for the U.S. National Climate Assessment MSD Technical Report Janetos, Anthony C
Climate and Energy-Water-Land System Interactions MSD Technical Report Skaggs, Richard Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
A Proposal for a New Scenario Framework to Support Research and Assessment in Different Climate Research Communities MSD Journal Article van Vuuren, Detlef
Challenges of Community Modeling and Long-Term Predictions of the Integrated Water Cycle RGMA MSD Fact Sheet
Executive Summary: Challenges of Community Modeling and Long-Term Predictions of the Integrated Water Cycl RGMA MSD Fact Sheet
Simulating the Impacts of Disturbances on Forest Carbon Cycling in North America: Processes, Data, Models, and Challenges MSD Journal Article Liu, Shuguang
A Comparison of Trenched Plot Techniques for Partitioning Soil Respiration MSD Journal Article Bond-Lamberty, Ben Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
National Climate Assessment: Valuation Techniques and Metrics Workshop Report MSD Technical Report Sussman, Frances
NOAA-DOE Precipitation Processes and Predictability Workshop RGMA Workshop Report
Regional and Global Climate Modeling Program RGMA Fact Sheet
First Quarter Performance Metric: Develop and Test New Parameterizations for Representing Mesoscale Convective Systems in E3SM Fact Sheet

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