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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Non-Stationary Hydropower Generation Projections Constrained by Environmental and Electricity Grid Operations Over the Western United States MSD Journal Article Zhou, Tian Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Influence of Plankton Metabolism and Mixing Depth on CO2 Dynamics in an Amazon Floodplain Lake ESMD Journal Article Amaral, Joao H Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA)
Spatially-Dependent Multiple Testing Under Model Misspecification, With Application to Detection of Anthropogenic Influence on Extreme Climate Events RGMA Journal Article Risser, Mark Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Development and Evaluation of an Explicit Treatment of Aerosol Processes at Cloud Scale Within a Multi-Scale Modeling Framework (MMF) ESMD Journal Article Lin, Guangxing Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Characteristics of Bay of Bengal Monsoon Depressions in the 21st Century RGMA Journal Article Rastogi, Deeksha Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Observational Constraint on Cloud Susceptibility Weakened by Aerosol Retrieval Limitations ESMD RGMA Journal Article Ma, Po-Lun Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
The Impact of Wind Direction Yaw Angle on Cliff Flows RGMA MSD Journal Article Barthelmie, R. J. Cornell University
Climate Change, Migration, and Regional Economic Impacts in the United States MSD Journal Article Fan, Qin California State University - Fresno
The Influence of ENSO Flavors on Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity RGMA Journal Article Patricola, Christina M. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) - Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division
Wind Gust Characterization at Wind Turbine Relevant Heights in Moderately Complex Terrain RGMA MSD Journal Article Hu, Wenting Cornell University
Analysis of Cloud-Resolving Model Simulations for Scale Dependence of Convective Momentum Transport ESMD Journal Article Liu, Yi-Chin Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
New Data for Representing Irrigated Agriculture in Economy-Wide Models MSD Journal Article Ledvina, Kirby Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Sensitivity of Mountain Hydroclimate Simulations in Variable-Resolution CESM to Microphysics and Horizontal Resolution RGMA MSD Journal Article Rhoades, Alan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Process-Specific Contributions to Anomalous Java Mixed Layer Cooling During Positive IOD Events ESMD Journal Article Delman, Andrew S. Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
Northern Arabian Sea Circulation-Autonomous Research (NASCar): A Research Initiative Based on Autonomous Sensors ESMD Journal Article Centurioni, Luca R. Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
Impacts of Shifts in Phytoplankton Community on Clouds and Climate via the Sulfur Cycle RGMA Journal Article Wang, Shanlin Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Synthesis and Review: An Inter-Method Comparison of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture MSD Journal Article Ciscar, Juan-Carlos European Commission Joint Research Centre
Anthropogenic Warming Impacts on Today's Sierra Nevada Snowpack and Flood Risk RGMA MSD Journal Article Huang, Xingying University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Project Goals and Experimental Design RGMA Journal Article Shields, Christine National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Structure and Evolution of Mesoscale Convective Systems: Sensitivity to Cloud Microphysics in Convection-Permitting Simulations Over the United States ESMD RGMA Journal Article Feng , Zhe Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Downstream Effects From Contemporary Wind Turbine Deployments RGMA MSD Journal Article Pryor, S. C. Cornell University
Maximizing Ozone Signals Among Chemical, Meteorological, and Climatological Variability MSD Journal Article Brown-Steiner, Benjamin Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
An Overview of Interactions and Feedbacks Between Ice Sheets and the Earth System ESMD Journal Article Fyke, Jeremy Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Local Radiative Feedbacks Over the Arctic Based on Observed Short-Term Climate Variations RGMA Journal Article Zhang, Rudong Nanjing University
Integrated Human-Earth System Modeling—State of the Science and Future Directions ESMD Journal Article Calvin, Katherine Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Multi-Decadal Trend and Decadal Variability of the Regional Sea Level Over the Indian Ocean Since the 1960s: Roles of Climate Modes and External Forcing RGMA Journal Article Han, Weiqing University of Colorado - Boulder
Recent Trends in the Frequency and Duration of Global Floods RGMA Journal Article Najibi, Nasser City College of New York (CUNY)
What Precipitation is Extreme? RGMA Journal Article Pendergrass, Angeline G. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Source Apportionments of Aerosols and Their Direct Radiative Forcing and Long-Term Trends Over Continental United States RGMA Journal Article Yang, Yang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Does Marine Surface Tension Have Global Biogeography? Addition for the OCEANFILMS Package RGMA Journal Article Elliott, Scott Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

Showing 1411 - 1440 of 2115