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DOE Workshop on Community Modeling and Long-Term Predictions of the Integrated Water Cycle

Event Date
Monday, September 24, 2012 at 7:00am - Wednesday, September 26, 2012 at 7:00pm
Funding Program Area(s)

This workshop will serve as a launching point and major organizing event to identify challenges and plan the development of next generation human-earth system models for improving long-term predictions of the regional-scale integrated water cycle. Built around a framework of DOE, DOE-collaboratively funded, and other relevant existing and evolving community based models, the effort will seek to:

  1. Identify core modeling capabilities while identifying key research gaps, with an emphasis on improving model fidelity;
  2. Reveal relevant and critical observational research, data management, and analysis capabilities and needs that underpin the main models and model components, not just for model development but for testing and validation;
  3. Engage the interagency research community in strategies for improving synthesis and integration;
  4. Elucidate opportunities for collaborations within DOE and with other agencies and institutions that have complementary and essential expertise in specific aspects of the water cycle;
  5. Improve understanding of the nature and characteristics of long-term, scientific information requirements for DOE’s energy and environmental missions and, as appropriate, for mission needs of other partner agencies.

Scientific Organizing Committee

Chair L. Ruby Leung, PNNL
Vice-Chairs Jay Famiglietti, UCI Bill Collins, LBNL

DOE Sponsoring Program Managers

Regional and Global Modeling and Assessment
Renu Joseph

MultiSector Dynamics
Robert Vallario

Subsurface Biogeochemical Research
David Lesmes

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