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Publication Date
13 June 2023

Check out Regular E3SM All-Hands Webinars


The E3SM project's all-hands webinars run on a regular schedule every other week on Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. Pacific time. The next webinar will be on June 22, 2023, with additional webinars scheduled throughout the summer and fall. 

E3SM webinars are open to all and given by either E3SM members or the members of the E3SM’s ecosystem projects, which are the projects funded by DOE BER to work on some aspects of the E3SM project (on the code development, simulations, data analysis or such). The subjects are chosen to reflect the important, current developments dealing with the earth system modeling and the E3SM.

To check the upcoming webinars, please see:

All webinars are also available on E3SM’s YouTube channel together with the presentations:

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