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New tools for analysis of data on unstructured grids

Presentation Date
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 8:00am - Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 10:00am

Lead Presenter



Climate models such as E3SM increasingly have components that use unstructured grids for their numerical methods.  Because many of the current analysis tools assume data is on structured grids, additional steps such as interpolation are required before any analysis can be done on the model output..  One goal of the SEATS (Simplifying ESM Analysis Through Standards) project is to create new standard tools that can be used to analyze unstructured data directly.  SEATS is partnering with developers at NCAR to create UXarray, an Xarray-styled python library that supports operations on unstructured grid data that follows the UGRID standard.   SEATS has also created a new visualization tool in C++ called ncvis which is inspired by NCview but can display data on unstructured grids.  Finally SEATS is helping E3SM re-write e3sm-diags using Xarray and xCDAT with plans to later incorporate UXarray

Presentation File(s)
EESMPI_SEATS.pdf (2.46 MB)
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