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The Ocean Model for E3SM Global Applications (OMEGA)

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Lead Presenter



The Ocean Model For E3SM Global Applications (OMEGA) will become the new ocean and wave component of E3SM in version 4.  Previous efforts to port MPAS-Ocean to GPUs with openACC pragmas has not resulted in sufficient performance gains on emerging HPC architectures and previous choices in the MPAS-Ocean framework yielded great flexibility, but diminished computational performance.  Thus, OMEGA was born.  OMEGA will retain the same unstructured mesh geometry and base numerical methods (e.g. Thuburn et al 2009) as the current Model for Prediction Across Scales-Ocean (MPAS-Ocean), but is being written in C++ to optimize the base performance of the model, clarify the underlying framework, and most importantly take advantage of libraries that enable improved GPU performance (Kokkos, Trott et al, 2022).  In addition to the ocean model updates, the OMEGA team is working to completely rebuild the wave component of E3SM (WAVEWATCH III) as a part of OMEGA.  In this effort, costly wave source terms will either be ported to C++/Kokkos, or replaced with more efficient AI versions.  In this talk, progress to date will be discussed and a calendar of delivery dates for the broader ecosystem will also be discussed.


Strengthening EESM Integrated Modeling Framework – Towards a Digital Earth
Innovative and Emerging technologies: ML/AI, Digital Earth, Exascale and Quantum Computing, advanced software infrastructures
Funding Program Area(s)
Additional Resources:
NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center)