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Overview of E3SM Version 3 Coupled Historical Large Ensemble

Presentation Date
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 3:06pm - Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 3:09pm

Lead Presenter



Large ensemble coupled earth system model simulations are deemed essential to robustly quantifying spatial and temporal structures of climate variabilities and distinguishing forced responses from natural variabilities. E3SM Version 3 coupled model at nominal resolution has shown substantially improved skills in simulating atmospheric variabilities from diurnal to intra-seasonal scales and surface air temperature record over the historical era. These improvements are attributable to improved treatments of physics in individual component models as well as some targeted grid resolution increase, combinedly an effective pathway known to be able to lead to improved representation of model climatology as well as major modes of variabilities in the coupled system. The E3SMv3 based historical large ensemble simulations are being carried out using the so-called ‘macro’ initialization approach. In this work, we will present an overview of the large ensemble in characterizing the simulated climate variabilities with a focus on the major modes of variabilities and the associated teleconnections and the quantification of the forced responses during the historical period.

Presentation File(s)
Wuyin Lin.pptx (27.53 MB)
Modes of Variability and Teleconnections, Trends
Model Uncertainties, Model Biases, and Fit-for-Purpose
Funding Program Area(s)
Additional Resources:
NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center)