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Project Raijin: Community Geoscience Analysis Tools for Unstructured Grids

Presentation Date
Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 1:45pm - Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 2:00pm
Colorado Convention Center - 407



Project Raijin is funded by NSF’s EarthCube program to develop software tools for unstructured grid data analysis and visualization in the scientific Python ecosystem. Project Raijin builds upon established Python technologies, sometimes referred to as the "Pangeo stack," namely: Xarray, Dask, and Jupyter. The tools Raijin is developing are aimed to be (1) community-owned and sustainably developed by a vibrant community of user-contributors, committed to extend this work beyond the scope of the NSF award; (2) extensible, scalable, and open source; and (3) usable on next generation climate and global weather model outputs at storm-resolving resolutions. To realize these goals, Raijin works in close collaboration with atmospheric modelers and open-source developers through an open development model that encourages participation in all aspects of the project. As a result of these efforts, the brand new UXarray package, which recognizes various unstructured grid model outputs (such as MPAS, CAM-SE, E3SM, and ICON) and provides analysis operators to be executed on them, has been created and released.

An update of the current status of Project Raijin will be provided during this presentation. Details about the current capabilities as well as a roadmap for future development for the UXarray package will be shared. Ways to get involved with this exciting open development project will also be discussed.

13th Symposium on Advances in Modeling and Analysis Using Python
Funding Program Area(s)