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Regional Refinement over the Continental United States in the ACME model

Presentation Date
Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 5:00pm


The objective of this task was to create and test the first prototype of regional refinement in the ACME model. The region over the Continental United States (CONUS) was chosen because teams that will test new convective parameterizations, for instance, for the first version of the ACME model can use this high-resolution area as less expensive way to explore high resolution model output compared to a full high-resolution model run. We followed the same approach in creating the CONUS grid as Klein et al for the CSSEF project. For the CONUS grid, the low-resolution area is of ne30, or 1-degree resolution. The high-resolution area is ne120, or 1/4-degree resolution. We ran a 5-year pre-industrial simulation using the same tuning parameters as the ACME v0.1 AMIP and fully coupled baseline simulations. We will compare the climatology, particularly of clouds, precipitation, winds, and temperature, of the CONUS region compared to a similar region within the ne120 pre-industrial simulation.
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