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Using Python to Explore the E3SM Atmosphere Model in C++

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Lead Presenter


The E3SM atmosphere model was rewritten in C++ to gain access to DOE’s exascale computers, but switching to a more modern programming language has a lot of side benefits. In this presentation we will describe how users can easily call pieces of this new code (called EAMxx) directly from Python. The ability to interrogate actual model code in an interactive framework familiar to most climate scientists will greatly accelerate exploration and understanding of this new atmosphere model. So far we have produced a precompiled distribution (python package) of the P3 microphysics and RRTMGP radiation schemes. Other processes will be added once we analyze patterns of usage for the existing package. We hope to eventually extend to the binding in the future such that most of SCREAM could be queried in Python, thus enabling direct and seamless use of SCREAM in the vast Python ecosystem of packages for data analysis and processing. Even though moving to C++ may be challenging for those used to Fortran, features like this will ultimately increase the productivity of everyone working with E3SM.


Strengthening EESM Integrated Modeling Framework – Towards a Digital Earth
Methods in Model Integration, Hierarchical Modeling, Model Complexity
Innovative and Emerging technologies: ML/AI, Digital Earth, Exascale and Quantum Computing, advanced software infrastructures
Funding Program Area(s)
Additional Resources:
ALCC (ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge)
NERSC (National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center)