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Accelerating modeling and discovery with data science and machine learning in Arctic environments ESMD RGMA Poster -
The State of Polar Climate in E3SM ESMD Presentation -
Antarctic ice shelf melt and cavity circulation processes in high resolution regionally refined E3SM configurations ESMD Poster -
An Comprehensive Understanding of the Effects of Two Missing Longwave Physics on the Climate and Its Projected Changes Simulated by the E3SM v2 ESMD Presentation -
Advancing sea ice physics in E3SM Version 4 ESMD Presentation -
Towards a dynamic Greenland Ice Sheet component in E3SM ESMD Poster -
Wave – Sea Ice Interactions in Global Climate Simulations of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) ESMD Poster -
The mechanisms in regulating the quasi-biennial oscillation in E3SM version 2 ESMD Presentation -
Improving the QBO forcing by resolved waves with vertical grid refinement in E3SMv2 ESMD Presentation -
Tropical subseasonal convection representation in E3SM versions 2 and 3 RGMA Presentation -
Tropical Cyclone Landfalls: HighResMIP vs. Statistical-Dynamical Downscaling RGMA Presentation -
Kilometer-scale E3SM Land Model Development, Integration, and Applications ESMD Presentation -
Regional Teleconnections and Multisector Dynamics: insights from ongoing research and future directions MSD Presentation -
Statistical Learning Applied to Climate-Water-Energy Impacts Scenarios MSD Presentation -
Evaluating Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in E3SMv3 Using a Perturbed Parameter Ensemble ESMD Presentation -
Variations in ocean-driven dynamics in the Kuroshio Extension and their representation in high-resolution climate models RGMA Poster -
Connecting Variability in the Tropical ENSO Column Response and the Remote Pacific Response in E3SM and CESM Large Ensembles RGMA Presentation -
Interactive Cloud Feedback Dampens the Memory and Predictability of the Propagating Southern Annular Mode RGMA Presentation -
Separate the Role of Southern and Northern Extra-tropical Pacific in Tropical Pacific Climate Variability RGMA Presentation -
The role of sulfate aerosol forcing and atmosphere / ocean feedbacks in generating strong seasonality of climate change over the mid-latitude oceans RGMA Poster -
Response of the surface climate to anthropogenic forcing in two coupled models RGMA Presentation -
Tightening the belt: investigating the impact of high resolution at reduced computational cost RGMA Presentation -
Australian bushfire smoke, multi-year La Nina, and implications for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) RGMA Presentation -
Climate Responses to Recent Major Wildfires as Simulated in E3SM2 and CESM2 RGMA Presentation -
Future spatially explicit patterns of land transitions in the United States with multiple stressors MSD Presentation -
Power Systems Analysis to Support MSD Research: Balancing Computational Speed and Fidelity MSD Presentation -
Increasing hurricane outer size in the western North Atlantic ESMD RGMA MSD Presentation -
The regionally refined model of E3SM: overview and extremes applications ESMD RGMA Presentation -
No Response of Pacific Decadal Variability to Historical External Forcing RGMA Presentation -
Persistent Differences in Simulated and Observed Tropical Tropospheric Warming RGMA Presentation -

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