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Precipitation hazards viewed through "grey swan" tropical cyclones simulated by 3km Earth system models (Invited) RGMA MSD -
Economic and Operational Reliability Benefits of Wave Energy Integration in the U.S. Western Interconnection MSD -
Deriving Distributed Parameters to Improve Community Land Model Version 5 Hydrological Predictions MSD -
SCS-PDM+ - A New Daily Runoff Generation Model MSD -
Future Patterns of US Agricultural Land Use under Multiple Stressors MSD
Application of Scenario Discovery Techniques to Probabilistic Ensembles in Exploration of Energy Futures MSD -
Future Patterns of US Agricultural Land Use under Multiple Stressors MSD -
On the linkages between one- and two-stage hydrologic partitioning frameworks ESMD -
Impacts of Urbanization on Flood Behavior across the Mid-Atlantic Region ESMD -
MOSART-DOC: a New Large-scale Riverine Dissolved Organic Carbon Model and Its Application over the United States ESMD -
MOSART-DOC: a New Large-scale Riverine Dissolved Organic Carbon Model and Its Application over the United States ESMD -
Constraining CMIP runoff projections over global river basins RGMA -
SYMFONI: the “system-of-systems” solution to quantify soil carbon and GHG outcomes for the broad U.S. croplands - solidifying the foundation for the U.S. climate-smart agriculture commodity market RGMA -
Quantifying field-level carbon intensity based on cradle to farm-gate life cycle assessment: uncertainty assessment under different management practices for the U.S. Midwestern farmland RGMA -
Representation of mangrove hydrology and ecosystem functions to improve biogeochemical modeling of coastal regions in a land surface model ESMD -
The impact of ENSO on tropical cyclone seeds RGMA -
The effects of African easterly wave suppression by wave track on Atlantic tropical cyclones RGMA -
Better representation of cloud and subgrid processes leads to a significant improvement in climate model fidelity ESMD RGMA -
Different nitrogen fertilizer management practices on crop productivity and environmental outcomes across the U.S. Midwest RGMA -
Unveiling the impacts of mineral supply availability on power sector transition MSD -
Understanding Current and Future Climate Trends in the Tropical Pacific RGMA -
The Future of Lake-Effect Snow Storm: Warmer Lakes, More Precipitation RGMA -
Gravitational and solid-Earth deformation response to ocean dynamic loading amplifies local sea-level change ESMD -
Reconciling Roles of Internal Variability and Anthropogenic forcing in Driving Observed Arctic Atmospheric River Trends over 1981-2021 RGMA -
Across the universe of water use efficiency and drought sensitivity: an eddy covariance analysis RGMA -
Reconciling Roles of Internal Variability and Anthropogenic forcing in Driving Observed Arctic Atmospheric River Trends over 1981-2021 RGMA -
The Role of the Western North Pacific (WNP) as an El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Precursor RGMA -
Tug of war on low-level winds and precipitation between elevated terrain and surface roughness over North and South America RGMA -
Modeling Coastal Blue Carbon Sequestration in Northern Gulf Coast Marsh Migrations ESMD -
Constraining CMIP cloud phase using observations RGMA -

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