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Title Date
Collaboration in Arctic Research: Best Practices to Build and Sustain Successful Cross- and Trans-disciplinary Efforts RGMA -
Long-term Variability in Pacific Decadal Oscillation Teleconnections to Climate in Alaska: From "In a Relationship" to "It’s Complicated" RGMA -
Scale up the influence of aerosols on deep convection derived from GoAmazon/CHUVA measurement to Amazon basin ESMD RGMA MSD
Inevitable changes in snowpack and water resources over California’s Sierra Nevada RGMA -
netCDF Operators for Rapid Analysis of Measured and Modeled Swath-like Data ESMD Poster -
WDAC Task Team on Observations for Model Evaluation: Facilitating the use of observations for CMIP RGMA -
Inconsistencies in Future Changes in Tropical Cyclone Statistics between CMIP5-Class Models and state of the art high resolution atmospheric models RGMA -
Influences of Vegetation Phenological Shifts on Water and Energy Cycle ESMD RGMA MSD
Evaluating the Global Water Cycle at High-Resolution in the ACME Climate Model ESMD -
Understanding and Reducing the Double ITCZ Bias in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Models ESMD -
Interactions Between Soil Organic Carbon Concentration and Soil Thermal and Hydraulic Dynamics and Its Impact on Soil Carbon Storage in Northern High-latitudes RGMA
Community-Based Benchmarking of the CMIP DECK Experiments -
Terrestrial Carbon Storage Dynamics: Chasing a moving target RGMA -
Drivers of the Increasing Mean Annual CO2 Cycle in the CESM RGMA -
MPAS-CICE: A new Los Alamos sea-ice model for regionally refined model domains ESMD Poster -
Improving Throughput of the ACME Climate Model by Parallel Splitting Atmospheric Physics and Dynamics ESMD Poster -
Assessment of Large-Scale Water Storage Dynamics in the Community Land Model RGMA -
Model For Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) Applied to Regional Climate of the Northwestern U.S. RGMA -
Vegetation Regulates Streamflow Intra-Annual Variability by Adapting to Climate Variations RGMA
Socio-ecological Typologies for Understanding Adaptive Capacity of a Region to Natural Disasters MSD
Nonlinear Interactions between Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Drivers of Terrestrial and Marine Carbon Cycle Changes from 1850 to 2300 RGMA
Diagnosing Drought in a Changing Climate RGMA -
Detection and Attribution of Extra-Tropical Cyclone Activity in CMIP-5 RGMA -
Tempest: Tools for Addressing the Needs of Next-Generation Climate Models ESMD Poster
Deriving New Topography-based Global Datasets for Land Surface Modeling ESMD RGMA Poster -
Implicit Time Stepping and Preconditioning for Atmospheric Dynamics in the Community Atmosphere Model -
Relationships Among Top-of-atmosphere Radiation and Atmospheric State Variables in Observations and CESM ESMD -
The Impact of Diurnal Cycle Over the Maritime Continent on the Madden-Julian Oscillation RGMA -
Representing Effects of Complex Terrain on Mountain Meteorology and Hydrology ESMD Oral, Invited -
A Review of Measurement and Modeling of Light-Absorbing Particles in Snow and Ice and their Climatic and Hydrological Impact ESMD Oral, Invited

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