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Title Date
Disentangling the Changing Nature of Water Quality, Availability, and Equity in the United States MSD
Modeling the Impact of Storage on the US Power Sector in a Long-Run, Multisector Dynamic Context MSD Poster -
Bridging the Gap between Land and Food: Leveraging Food Balance Sheets to Enhance Understanding and Modeling of the Food System MSD Presentation -
New observational constraints for aerosol and aerosol-cloud interactions in E3SM ESMD Presentation -
Constraining cloud feedbacks and the pattern effect using Perturbed Parameters Ensembles. RGMA Presentation -
The E3SMv2.1 Seasonal-to-Multiyear Large Ensemble forecast system: A Comparative Global Skill Assessment RGMA Presentation -
A Process-Informed Determination of Credibility Across Different Downscaling Methods RGMA Presentation -
Adaptive Mesh Refinement in the age of Exascale Computing ESMD Presentation -
xCDAT (Xarray Climate Data Analysis Tools): A Python Package for Simple and Robust Analysis of Climate Data ESMD RGMA Presentation -
Introduction to the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model ESMD Presentation -
Mapping the sensitivity of AMOC in a hierarchy of configurations ESMD Poster -
Improving process representations of Clouds and Aerosols in Earth System Models Using AI/ML: Current and future opportunities with E3SM ESMD Presentation -
Climate change increases the cost of electricity system decarbonization – a case study in the use of model hierarchies for climate risk propagation across multiple sectors. RGMA MSD Presentation -
CMIP7 the next phase: ongoing status and planning RGMA Presentation -
Quantifying the compound hazard: Freezing rain-icing-wind gusts (FZG) RGMA MSD Presentation -
UXarray: Python package for the analysis and visualization of model output on unstructured climate grids RGMA Presentation -
E3SM’s Sensitivity to Ocean Heat Transport Strengths: A Slab Ocean Model Study RGMA Poster -
Huge Ensembles of Weather Extremes using the Fourier Forecasting Neural Network RGMA Presentation -
Probabilistic Downscaling for Flood Hazard Models MSD Presentation -
Scenario Discovery for Probabilistic Ensembles of a Coupled Human-Earth System Model MSD Presentation -
Combined climate and hydrologic uncertainties shape projections of future soil moisture extremes MSD Presentation, Presentation -
Earth system models in a community and regional planning and decision support context: Perspectives from Arctic Alaska ESMD RGMA MSD Presentation -
Methodological Developments in the International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) Effort RGMA Poster -
Integrated modeling of estuarine tide-surge-river dynamics and time-evolving flood risks MSD Presentation -
Recent update on the collective Earth System Model evaluation and benchmarking tool: PCMDI Metrics Package (PMP) RGMA Presentation -
Strategic Systematic Review and Exploration of the Research Area of MultiSector Dynamics using Natural Language Processing, Graph Machine Learning, and Large Language Models MSD Presentation -
Progress toward a high-resolution 3D regional land model for agricultural systems ESMD RGMA Presentation -
Simulation of Compound Flooding using River-Ocean Two-way Coupled E3SM Ensemble on Variable-resolution Meshes ESMD Poster -
The Indian Ocean-Maritime Continent Regionally Refined SCREAM Configuration for MJO studies RGMA Presentation -
Reproducible Integrated Modeling: It Takes a Village…and a Mayor MSD Presentation -

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