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Title Date
Assessing Radiative Feedbacks and their Contribution to the Arctic Amplification Measured by Various Metrics RGMA -
Quantifying Uncertainty in the Rarity of Extreme Multivariate Weather and Climate Events RGMA -
Wintertime Extreme Warming Events in the High Arctic: Characteristics, Drivers, Trends, and the Role of Atmospheric Rivers RGMA -
Antarctic Atmospheric Rivers in the Present and Future Climates RGMA -
Exploring the lags between anthropogenic carbon emissions and biospheric carbon fluxes under transitions to net zero and net negative emissions RGMA -
Air-Sea Coupling Influence on Projected Changes in Major Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Statistics: Rainfall, Intensity, and Storm Surge RGMA -
A derecho climatology (2004-2021) in the U.S. based on machine learning identification of bow echoes RGMA -
Exceptional Stratospheric Contribution to Human Fingerprints on Atmospheric Temperature RGMA -
Influence of Climatological Biases in Clouds and Precipitation on Regional Cloud Feedbacks RGMA -
Extreme events in a warmer climate: more rain, less snow, and implications for adaptation RGMA -
Externally Forced and Internally Generated Changes in Extreme Rainfall Events RGMA -
Climate Warming Amplifies the Frequency of a Weather Pattern Linked to Wildfires in the Western United States RGMA -
Projected increase in summer heat-dome-like stationary waves over Northwestern North America RGMA -
CEDAR-GPP: spatiotemporally upscaled estimates of global photosynthesis incorporating CO2 fertilization RGMA -
Evaluation of the Regional Arctic System Model for Sub-Seasonal to Decadal Arctic Climate Prediction RGMA -
Constraining the model spread in projected warming of hot days RGMA -
Observed humidity trends in dry regions contradict climate models. RGMA -
Evidence for Anthropogenic Aerosols-Driven Precipitation Decline over the U.S. Southwest RGMA -
Links between Seasonal Precipitation Intermittency and Soil Moisture Variability RGMA -
Impacts of Arctic Atmospheric Rivers on sea-ice in a changing climate : Exploring uncertainties in impacts based on definition of 'extreme event' in a warming climate RGMA -
Attribution of the 2020-21 Western US Drought RGMA -
Drought to intensify over Amazon by more than projected by most GCMs due to poor representation of land-atmosphere feedbacks RGMA -
Benchmarking Climate Simulations Across Scales using NCAR's CVDP and CMAT RGMA -
Forecasting tropical annual maximum wet-bulb temperatures months in advance with ENSO RGMA -
Drivers of Runoff Efficiency in the Western United States RGMA -
Partitioning of Ecosystem Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Respiration using Multi-source Data and Knowledge-guided Machine Learning RGMA -
Can biomass burning aerosol induced surface cooling and atmospheric teleconnection be amplified through sea surface temperature-cloud feedback over the Southeast Atlantic? RGMA -
Ocean-forcing of cool season precipitation drives ongoing and future decadal drought in southwestern North America RGMA -
CF Metadata Conventions: Facilitating Collaborative Science (Invited) RGMA -
Wet bias in GCMs minimize drought, heat wave risk in northeastern United States RGMA -

Showing 181 - 210 of 1736