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Project: Water Cycle and Climate Extremes Modeling
Title Date
Synchronization of the Recent East African Long Rains Decline and Northwestern Asian Warming RGMA -
A High Resolution Tropical Mesoscale Convective System Reanalysis (TMeCSR; “tea-mixer”) RGMA -
Mountains influence future changes in precipitation flashiness across the western US RGMA -
Why Record-Breaking Extreme Precipitation events tend to occur over Land than Ocean under Global Warming? RGMA -
Influence of Local Water Vapor Analysis Uncertainty on Ensemble Forecasts of Tropical Cyclogenesis Initialized via All-Sky Infrared and Microwave Radiance-based Data Assimilation RGMA -
On the Extratropical Influence of Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation on Heat Extremes over Northwestern North America RGMA -
Tibetan Plateau Snow Cover: Future Snowpack Loss and Connections to Extreme Events RGMA -
Reconciling Roles of Internal Variability and Anthropogenic forcing in Driving Observed Arctic Atmospheric River Trends over 1981-2021 RGMA -
More frequent atmospheric rivers slow the seasonal recovery of Arctic sea ice RGMA -
Linking large-scale double-ITCZ bias to local-scale drizzling bias in climate models RGMA -
An Extratropical Pathway for the Madden-Julian Oscillation’s Influence on North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones RGMA -
Amplified MJO Detours over the Maritime Continent Induced by Cross Equatorial Surges RGMA -
Modeling Extreme Events and their Future Changes RGMA -
Southern Himalayas rainfall as a key driver of interannual variation of pre-monsoon aerosols over the Tibetan Plateau RGMA -
Understanding regional patterns of warming-induced changes in lake evaporation and volumes RGMA -
Projected increase in summer heat-dome-like stationary waves over Northwestern North America RGMA -
Mesoscale Convective Systems in E3SMv2 with Default and New Cloud Microphysics and Convection Parameterizations RGMA -
Impacts of land data assimilation on climate variability in fully coupled E3SM simulations RGMA -
Controlling Climate Response via Solar Radiation Perturbation: A Proof of Concept using GCM of Intermediate Complexity RGMA -
Moisture Recycling associated with Mesoscale Convective Systems through Vertical Pumping of Local Evapotranspiration RGMA -
Trends in Warm Season Mesoscale Convective Systems over Asia in 2001–2020 RGMA -
Global variable resolution modeling for kilometer-to-regional scale simulations ESMD RGMA -
Biomass loss caused by wind disturbances in Amazonia RGMA -
Investigating the Role of Cloud-Radiative Feedbacks in Wintertime Blocking over the Euro-Atlantic Sector RGMA -
Cloud radiative feedback dampens the memory and predictability of the propogationg Southern Annular Mode RGMA -
Cloud radiative feedback dampens the memory and predictability of the propogationg Southern Annular Mode RGMA -
Changing Tropical Extreme Rainfall Characteristics in Warmer Climates RGMA -
Uncertainty in Atmospheric River Detection and Atmospheric River Induced Precipitation due to Reanalysis Selection RGMA -
Tuning Physics Parameters for Tropical Convective Systems Across Scales in Two Global Convection-Permitting Models RGMA -
Soil moisture-precipitation relationships during recent floods in the US: results from modeling analysis and plans for GEWEX “soil-cloud cascade” RGMA -

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