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Project: Water Cycle and Climate Extremes Modeling
Title Date
Impacts of Resolution-Dependent Physics in Aquaplanet Simulations RGMA
Upscale Effects of Variable-Resolution Meshes on the Large-Scale Circulation RGMA -
Modeling Aerosol Effects on Clouds and Precipitation: Insights from CalWater 2015 RGMA
CalWater 2015 — Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation RGMA -
Increasing Rainfall in Central U.S. Driven by Changes in Mesoscale Convective Systems RGMA
Atmospheric Rivers and Heavy Precipitation From a Hierarchy of Climate Simulations RGMA -
Characterizing the Distributions and Sources of Dust during Atmospheric River Landfall in the Western U.S. RGMA -
Model For Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) Applied to Regional Climate of the Northwestern U.S. RGMA -
Vegetation Regulates Streamflow Intra-Annual Variability by Adapting to Climate Variations RGMA
Deriving New Topography-based Global Datasets for Land Surface Modeling ESMD RGMA Poster -
The Dynamical Signature on the Change of Hydrological Extremes Under Global Warming RGMA
Local Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity as an Objective Diagnostic of Midlatitude Extreme Weather RGMA
Global land hotspots of clustered MCSs and their precipitation significance RGMA
Diagnosing Mesoscale Convective Systems in DYAMOND Models: A Feature Tracking Intercomparison RGMA
Increasing hurricane outer size in the western North Atlantic ESMD RGMA MSD
E3SM’s Sensitivity to ocean heat transports strength: A slab ocean model study RGMA
Synchronization of the Recent Decline of East African Long Rains and Northwestern Asian Warming RGMA
Environmental controls on MCS lifetime rainfall over tropical oceans RGMA
Interactive soil moisture dries the land under anthropogenic warming RGMA
Uncovering the Interannual Predictability of the 2003 European Summer Heatwave and its Connection to the Tibetan Plateau RGMA
E3SM’s Sensitivity to Ocean Heat Transport Strengths: A Slab Ocean Model Study RGMA

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