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Project: Integrated Coastal Modeling (ICoM)
Title Date
Diverse Impacts of Global Warming on Derechos in the United States RGMA -
Diagnosing Mid-Atlantic Icing Events and their Projected Changes in Earth System Models using Self-Organizing Maps RGMA -
Coastal Flooding in a Changing Climate and Rising Seas: Takes More Than a Village to Meet the Grand Challenge (Core Science Keynote) RGMA -
Workshop on Atmospheric and Urban Digital Twins RGMA -
Understanding Wind-Wave-Current Coupling on Hurricane Intensity and Coastal Impacts ESMD RGMA MSD -
Distinct Impacts of Global Warming on Mesoscale Convective Systems and Isolated Deep Convection in the Eastern United States RGMA -
Two Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns are Associated with Short-Duration Dry Spells in the Northeastern United States ESMD RGMA MSD -
Category 6 tropical cyclones RGMA -
Impacts of Large-Scale Urbanization and Irrigation on Summer Storms and Heat Stress RGMA -
Sensitivity of the pseudo-global warming method under flood conditions. RGMA MSD -
Global 1km Land Surface Parameters for Kilometer-Scale Earth System Modeling RGMA -
Roles of external forcing and internal variability to precipitation changes and their uncertainty in the coastal U.S. on multi-decadal timescales RGMA -
Tropical Cyclone Weather Extremes and Flooding Impacts in a Global Climate Model Large Ensemble Partnered with a High-resolution Hydrology Model ESMD RGMA MSD -
Two Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns are Associated with Short-Duration Dry Spells in the Northeastern United States ESMD RGMA MSD -
The 2012 North American Derecho: A testbed for evaluating regional and global climate modeling systems at cloud-resolving scales RGMA -
Sensitivity of Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia to Physical Forcings: A Regional Earth System Modeling Perspective ESMD RGMA MSD -
Geographically-Aware Estimates of Remotely Sensed Water Properties for Chesapeake Bay ESMD RGMA MSD -
Tying Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns to Northeastern U.S. Winter Storm Precipitation with Self-Organizing Maps RGMA -
Potential impact of future warming on the June 2012 North American derecho RGMA -
Overview of Urbanization Impact on Regional Climate and Extreme Weather ESMD RGMA MSD -
The role of spatial heterogeneity on land surface modeling of water and energy simulations RGMA -
The role of spatial heterogeneity on land surface modeling of water and energy simulations RGMA -
A retrospective and prospective examination of the 1960s U.S. Northeast Drought. ESMD RGMA MSD -
Uniting Extratropical Cyclone Tracking and Self-Organizing Maps to Objectively Evaluate CMIP6 Models RGMA
Evaluating the impact of inter-basin water transfer on Delaware Estuary salinity with the Energy Exascale Earth System Model ESMD RGMA
Sensitivity of compound flooding potential to idealized large-scale tropical cyclone environments ESMD RGMA MSD
Understanding the Large-Scale Drivers of Precipitation in the Northeastern United States Via Linear Orthogonal Decomposition ESMD RGMA MSD -
A Risk Analysis Framework for Tropical Cyclones (RAFT) ESMD RGMA MSD
Integrated Terrestrial-Coastal Modeling System: DHSVM-FVCOM-RIFT ESMD RGMA MSD
Comparison between multiple physical-based hydrologic models in modeling groundwater-surface water interactions in a coastal watershed RGMA

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