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Project: A Hierarchical Evaluation Framework for Assessing Climate Simulations Relevant to the Energy-Water-Land Nexus
Title Date
Wind power production from the U.S. east coast offshore lease areas RGMA MSD
Differential Credibility of Climate Modes in CMIP6 RGMA MSD
Could/will climate change impact wind energy resources? RGMA MSD
The Ongoing Need for High-Resolution Regional Climate Models: Process Understanding and Stakeholder Information RGMA MSD
Extreme Event Exposure Uncertainty in NA-CORDEX Projections RGMA
Evaluating Five-Day Precipitation Events for the Contiguous U.S. in Contemporary and Scenario Climates using Object-Oriented Analysis RGMA MSD -
Sensitivity of sub-daily extreme winter precipitation to model resolution RGMA MSD
Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool to Evaluate the Performance of Dynamically Downscaled Regional Climate Models RGMA MSD -
Evaluating Multi-Year Drought Events for the Contiguous U.S. in Contemporary and Scenario Climates using Object-Oriented Analysis RGMA MSD -
Robustness of Projected Trends in Warm Season Precipitation Extremes over the Central United States RGMA
Sensitivity of Wind Turbine Array Downstream Effects to the Parameterization used in WRF RGMA
Land-atmosphere coupling in an ensemble of regional climate simulations RGMA
Quantifying Weather and Climate Simulation Reproducibility in the Cloud RGMA
Sensitivity of Regional Climate Models to GCM Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity RGMA

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