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Project: InteRFACE: Interdisciplinary Research for Arctic Coastal Environments
Title Date
Wave – Sea Ice Interactions in Global Climate Simulations of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) ESMD -
Evaluation of river routing on an unstructured mesh for E3SM ESMD -
Forecasting River Ice Breakup in Alaska USA Using a Long Short Term Memory Model RGMA -
Characterization of Arctic Hydrologic Dynamics Using Remote Sensing RGMA -
Improving the Application of a Novel Model Conceptualization for Permafrost Simulation at Full-river Basin RGMA -
Benchmarking Pan-Arctic CMIP6 Model Streamflow to Observations: Understanding Utility across Different Spatial and Temporal Scales RGMA -
Regionalized Permafrost Active Layer Thickness Change From Nonlinear Baseflow Recession RGMA -
Mobility in the Changing Arctic: Quantitative Methods to Assess Climate and Socioeconomic Impacts on Arctic Transportation Systems MSD -
The Thermal Response of Permafrost to Coastal Flooding RGMA -
Calibration of the Arctic Coastal Erosion Model at Drew Point, AK, Over a Permafrost Bluff Block Collapse Event in Summer 2018 RGMA -
Exploring a Novel Model Conceptualization for Watershed-scale Permafrost Simulation ESMD RGMA MSD -
Future of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas as Sea Ice Thins under Climate Change MSD -
Recent Changes in Streamflow Seasonality across Permafrost Basins of North America RGMA -
Arctic Coastal Mesh Re nement in a Global Earth System Model ESMD Poster -
Topology-Based River Network Representation for Hydrologic Modeling ESMD -
Linking Climate Change and Human Systems: A Case Study of Arctic Pipelines MSD
Evaluation of Offshore Wave Climates along the Alaskan North Slope using K-means Clustering RGMA
Detecting changes in permafrost active layer thickness from baseflow recession ESMD RGMA
Analysis of the Impact of Physics Representation on Permafrost Modeling ESMD RGMA MSD
Fusing geospatial datasets to identify patterns and controls on Arctic coastal erosion RGMA
Complicating Resilience in a Global Arctic: Energy Infrastructures at a Precarious Juncture ESMD MSD
Adaptation of Shipping Patterns in the Arctic: Modeling the Choice of Routing through a Changing Arctic Coastal Environments MSD
Human and Physical Systems Interactions in the Arctic: Early Results from the Interdisciplinary Research for Arctic Coastal Environments MSD
Sea Ice Climate of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model, Version 2 ESMD
Modeling Future Flooding Extremes to Explore Unidentified Risks in the Arctic RGMA
Properties of Change: Politics and Land Ownership in Northern Alaskan Social-Environmental Systems MSD
Collaboration to better understand Arctic change ESMD RGMA MSD
Dissolved Organic Carbon in Arctic Rivers: Reduced Model with Functional Groups RGMA
Characterizing the Distribution of Lakes on Arctic Deltas RGMA
Wave – Sea Ice Interactions in Global Climate Simulations of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) ESMD

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