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Publication Date
1 August 2022

Earth and Planetary Surface Processes Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science



This article provides a commentary about the state of integrated, coordinated, open, and networked (ICON) principles in Earth and Planetary Surface Processes and discussion on the opportunities and challenges of adopting them. This commentary focuses on the challenges with current inclusive, equitable, and accessible science and highlights how research undertaken in the earth and planetary surface processes community currently benefit from and would be able to grow as a discipline with more directed implementation of ICON principles. 

Burberry, C. M., A. Flatley, A. Gray, J. Guilinger, S. Hamshaw, K. Hill, Y. Mu, and J. C. Rowland. 2022. “Earth And Planetary Surface Processes Perspectives On Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (Icon) Science”. Earth And Space Science 9 (8). American Geophysical Union (AGU). doi:10.1029/2022ea002414.
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