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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Modeling Annual Electricity Production and Levelized Cost of Energy from the US East Coast Offshore Wind Energy Lease Areas RGMA MSD Journal Article Barthelmie, Rebecca J. Cornell University
Observational Constraints on the Cloud Feedback Pattern Effect RGMA Journal Article Myers, Timothy A. University of Colorado - Boulder
Rapidly evolving aerosol emissions are a dangerous omission from near-term climate risk assessments RGMA Journal Article Persad, G University of Texas at Austin
Global tropical cyclone precipitation scaling with sea surface temperature RGMA MSD Journal Article Stansfield, Alyssa M. Stony Brook University
Residential segregation and outdoor urban moist heat stress disparities in the United States RGMA Journal Article Chakraborty, TC Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Global fire modelling and control attributions based on the ensemble machine learning and satellite observations RGMA Journal Article Zhang, Yulong Oak Ridge National Laboratory
A research agenda for the science of actionable knowledge: Drawing from a review of the most misguided to the most enlightened claims in the science-policy interface literature RGMA MSD Journal Article Jagannathan, Kripa Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Technical descriptions of the experimental dynamical downscaling simulations over North America by the CAM–MPAS variable-resolution model RGMA MSD Journal Article Sakaguchi , Koichi Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Influence of monsoon low pressure systems on South Asian disasters and implications for disaster prediction RGMA Journal Article Suhas, D. L. University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
FEOTS v0.0.0: a new offline code for the fast equilibration of tracers in the ocean RGMA Journal Article Schoonover, Joseph Fluid Numerics LLC
PyFLEXTRKR: a flexible feature tracking Python software for convective cloud analysis RGMA Journal Article Feng , Zhe Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Evaluating Contemporary and Future-Scenario Substantial-Precipitation Events in the Missouri River Basin Using Object-Oriented Analysis RGMA MSD Journal Article Fisel, Brandon J. Iowa State University
Arctic Ice-Ocean Interactions in an 8-to-2 Kilometer Resolution Global Model RGMA Journal Article Fine, Elizabeth C. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Sensitivity of the pseudo-global warming method under flood conditions: a case study from the northeastern US ESMD RGMA Journal Article Xue, Zeyu University of California Davis (UC Davis) - Department of Land Air and Water Resources
Sensitivity of the pseudo-global warming method under flood conditions: a case study from the northeastern US ESMD RGMA Journal Article Xue, Zeyu University of California Davis (UC Davis)
A multiyear tropical Pacific cooling response to recent Australian wildfires in CESM2 RGMA Journal Article Fasullo, John T. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Exceptional stratospheric contribution to human fingerprints on atmospheric temperature RGMA Journal Article Santer, Benjamin D. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Inland Flooding and Rainfall from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee (2011): Coupled Atmosphere–Wave–Ocean Model Simulations and Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations with a Machine Learning Tool ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Kerns, Brandon W. University of Washington
ENSO-Induced Teleconnection: Process-Oriented Diagnostics to Assess Rossby Wave Sources and Ambient Flow Properties in Climate Models RGMA Journal Article Annamalai, H. University of Hawaii - Manoa
Assessing the impact of global warming on windstorms in the northeastern United States using the pseudo-global-warming method RGMA MSD Journal Article Sethunadh, Jisesh Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Captured QBO‐MJO Connection in a Subseasonal Prediction System RGMA Journal Article Huang, Kai George Mason University
Synoptic Drivers of Atmospheric River Induced Precipitation Near Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica RGMA Journal Article Baiman, Rebecca University of Colorado - Boulder
Volcanic forcing degrades multiyear-to-decadal prediction skill in the tropical Pacific RGMA Journal Article Wu, Xian National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Advancing research on compound weather and climate events via large ensemble model simulations RGMA Journal Article Bevacqua, Emanuele Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
The Relationship Between African Easterly Waves and Tropical Cyclones in Historical and Future Climates in the HighResMIP‐PRIMAVERA Simulations RGMA Journal Article Bercos‐Hickey, Emily Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Increased U.S. coastal hurricane risk under climate change RGMA MSD Journal Article Balaguru, Karthik Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Understanding AMOC stability: the North Atlantic Hosing Model Intercomparison Project RGMA Journal Article Jackson, Laura C. Met Office - UK
River Delta Morphotypes Emerge From Multiscale Characterization of Shorelines RGMA Journal Article Vulis, L. University of California Irvine (UC Irvine)
The June 2012 North American Derecho: A Testbed for Evaluating Regional and Global Climate Modeling Systems at Cloud‐Resolving Scales ESMD RGMA Journal Article Liu, W. University of California - Davis
Subseasonal Representation and Predictability of North American Weather Regimes Using Cluster Analysis RGMA Journal Article Molina, Maria J. University of Maryland - College Park

Showing 181 - 210 of 1416