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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
PyFLEXTRKR: a flexible feature tracking Python software for convective cloud analysis RGMA Journal Article Feng , Zhe Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Global drivers of local water stresses and global responses to local water policies in the United States MSD Journal Article Haqiqi, Iman Purdue University
Evaluating Contemporary and Future-Scenario Substantial-Precipitation Events in the Missouri River Basin Using Object-Oriented Analysis RGMA MSD Journal Article Fisel, Brandon J. Iowa State University
Review of quantitative methods to assess impacts of changing climate and socioeconomic conditions on Arctic transportation systems MSD Journal Article Waite, Taryn Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Arctic Ice-Ocean Interactions in an 8-to-2 Kilometer Resolution Global Model RGMA Journal Article Fine, Elizabeth C. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Sensitivity of the pseudo-global warming method under flood conditions: a case study from the northeastern US ESMD RGMA Journal Article Xue, Zeyu University of California Davis (UC Davis) - Department of Land Air and Water Resources
Sensitivity of the pseudo-global warming method under flood conditions: a case study from the northeastern US ESMD RGMA Journal Article Xue, Zeyu University of California Davis (UC Davis)
A multiyear tropical Pacific cooling response to recent Australian wildfires in CESM2 RGMA Journal Article Fasullo, John T. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Exceptional stratospheric contribution to human fingerprints on atmospheric temperature RGMA Journal Article Santer, Benjamin D. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Emulating aerosol optics with randomly generated neural networks ESMD Journal Article Geiss, Andrew Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Statistical Generation of Ocean Forcing With Spatiotemporal Variability for Ice Sheet Models ESMD Journal Article Muruganandham, Shivaprakash Georgia Institute of Technology
Large Ensemble Diagnostic Evaluation of Hydrologic Parameter Uncertainty in the Community Land Model Version 5 (CLM5) MSD Journal Article Yan, Hongxiang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Inland Flooding and Rainfall from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee (2011): Coupled Atmosphere–Wave–Ocean Model Simulations and Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations with a Machine Learning Tool ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Kerns, Brandon W. University of Washington
ENSO-Induced Teleconnection: Process-Oriented Diagnostics to Assess Rossby Wave Sources and Ambient Flow Properties in Climate Models RGMA Journal Article Annamalai, H. University of Hawaii - Manoa
Removing Numerical Pathologies in a Turbulence Parameterization Through Convergence Testing ESMD Journal Article Zhang, Shixuan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Population Aging and Heat Exposure in the 21 st Century: Which U.S. Regions Are at Greatest Risk and Why? MSD Journal Article Carr, Deborah Boston University
Assessing the impact of global warming on windstorms in the northeastern United States using the pseudo-global-warming method RGMA MSD Journal Article Sethunadh, Jisesh Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Quantifying airborne fraction trends and the destination of anthropogenic CO2 by tracking carbon flows in a simple climate model MSD Journal Article Pressburger, Leeya Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Synoptic Drivers of Atmospheric River Induced Precipitation Near Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica RGMA Journal Article Baiman, Rebecca University of Colorado - Boulder
Volcanic forcing degrades multiyear-to-decadal prediction skill in the tropical Pacific RGMA Journal Article Wu, Xian National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Advancing research on compound weather and climate events via large ensemble model simulations RGMA Journal Article Bevacqua, Emanuele Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Global monthly sectoral water use for 2010–2100 at 0.5° resolution across alternative futures MSD Journal Article Khan, Zarrar Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Nuclear power generation phase-outs redistribute US air quality and climate-related mortality risk MSD Journal Article Freese, Lyssa M. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
The Relationship Between African Easterly Waves and Tropical Cyclones in Historical and Future Climates in the HighResMIP‐PRIMAVERA Simulations RGMA Journal Article Bercos‐Hickey, Emily Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Increased U.S. coastal hurricane risk under climate change RGMA MSD Journal Article Balaguru, Karthik Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Characterizing uncertainty in Community Land Model version 5 hydrological applications in the United States MSD Journal Article Yan, Hongxiang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Understanding AMOC stability: the North Atlantic Hosing Model Intercomparison Project RGMA Journal Article Jackson, Laura C. Met Office - UK
River Delta Morphotypes Emerge From Multiscale Characterization of Shorelines RGMA Journal Article Vulis, L. University of California Irvine (UC Irvine)
The June 2012 North American Derecho: A Testbed for Evaluating Regional and Global Climate Modeling Systems at Cloud‐Resolving Scales ESMD RGMA Journal Article Liu, W. University of California - Davis
Scalable self attraction and loading calculations for unstructured ocean tide models ESMD Journal Article Brus, Steven R. Argonne National Laboratory

Showing 241 - 270 of 2075