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Project: Integrated Coastal Modeling (ICoM)
Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
A North Atlantic synthetic tropical cyclone track, intensity, and rainfall dataset RGMA MSD Journal Article Xu, Wenwei Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Understanding the Influence of Urban Form on the Spatial Pattern of Precipitation RGMA Journal Article Lu, Yanle Cornell University
Two Large-Scale Meteorological Patterns are Associated with Short-Duration Dry Spells in the Northeastern United States RGMA Journal Article Sukhdeo, Raymond University of California Davis
Climate Change Signal in Atlantic Tropical Cyclones Today and Near Future RGMA Journal Article Lee, Chia‐Ying Columbia University
Influence of urban extent discrepancy on the estimation of surface urban heat island intensity: A global-scale assessment in 892 cities RGMA Journal Article Yang, Qiquan Macau University of Science and Technology - China
A new method for predicting hurricane rapid intensification based on co-occurring environmental parameters RGMA Journal Article Narayanan, Anushka Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Stronger Tropical Cyclone–Induced Ocean Cooling in Near-Coastal Regions Compared to the Open Ocean RGMA Journal Article Dac Da, Nguyen Vietnam National University
Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Climatology, Extremes, and Flooding Potential from Remote Sensing and Reanalysis Datasets over the Continental United States RGMA Journal Article Mazza, Edoardo University of Washington
Comparing land surface temperature and mean radiant temperature for urban heat mapping in Philadelphia RGMA Journal Article Li, Xiaojiang Temple University
Intensification of Hurricane Sally (2020) over the Mississippi River Plume RGMA Journal Article John, Effy B. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Connecting Large‐Scale Meteorological Patterns to Extratropical Cyclones in CMIP6 Climate Models Using Self‐Organizing Maps RGMA Journal Article Gore, Michelle J. Pennsylvania State University
Modulation of Tropical Cyclone Tracks and Rainfall by the North Atlantic Oscillation RGMA Journal Article Mazza, Edoardo University of Washington
Sensitivity of the pseudo-global warming method under flood conditions: a case study from the northeastern US ESMD RGMA Journal Article Xue, Zeyu University of California Davis (UC Davis) - Department of Land Air and Water Resources
Sensitivity of the pseudo-global warming method under flood conditions: a case study from the northeastern US ESMD RGMA Journal Article Xue, Zeyu University of California Davis (UC Davis)
Inland Flooding and Rainfall from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee (2011): Coupled Atmosphere–Wave–Ocean Model Simulations and Remote Sensing and In Situ Observations with a Machine Learning Tool ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Kerns, Brandon W. University of Washington
Increased U.S. coastal hurricane risk under climate change RGMA MSD Journal Article Balaguru, Karthik Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The June 2012 North American Derecho: A Testbed for Evaluating Regional and Global Climate Modeling Systems at Cloud‐Resolving Scales ESMD RGMA Journal Article Liu, W. University of California - Davis
Quantification of Physical and Numerical Mixing in a Coastal Ocean Model Using Salinity Variance Budgets ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Schlichting, Dylan Texas A&M University
Interacting Effects of Watershed and Coastal Processes on the Evolution of Compound Flooding During Hurricane Irene ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Deb, Mithun Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Amplified drought trends in Nepal increase the potential for Himalayan wildfires RGMA Journal Article Pokharel, Binod Tribhuvan University - Nepal
Potential Weakening of the June 2012 North American Derecho Under Future Warming Conditions RGMA Journal Article Li, Jianfeng Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The hazard components of representative key risks. The physical climate perspective RGMA Journal Article Tebaldi, Claudia Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Geographically aware estimates of remotely sensed water properties for Chesapeake Bay ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Stachelek, Jemma Los Alamos National Laboratory
Roles of External Forcing and Internal Variability in Precipitation Changes of a Sub‐Region of the U.S. Mid‐Atlantic During 1979–2019 RGMA Journal Article Dong, Lu Ocean University of China
Mixing Pathways in Simple Box Models ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Qu, Lixin Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Increasing Hurricane Intensification Rate Near the US Atlantic Coast RGMA Journal Article Balaguru, Karthik Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Drivers of Phytoplankton Variability in and Near the Pearl River Estuary, South China Sea During Typhoon Hato (2017): A Numerical Study RGMA Journal Article Feng, Yang Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory - China
Rapid vertical exchange at fronts in the Northern Gulf of Mexico ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Qu, Lixin Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Evaluating the Influence of CAM5 Aerosol Configuration on Simulated Tropical Cyclones in the North Atlantic RGMA Journal Article Huff, J. Jacob A. Stony Brook University
Changing Trends in Drought Patterns Over the Northeastern U.S. Using Multiple Large Ensemble Datasets RGMA Journal Article Xue, Zeyu University of California Davis (UC Davis)

Showing 1 - 30 of 48