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Project: Improving Decadal Prediction of Arctic Climate Variability and Change Using a Regional Arctic system model (RASM)
Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
DOE Arctic Sea Ice Modeling ESMD RGMA Fact Sheet
Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) RGMA Fact Sheet
Quality Control for Community Based Sea Ice Model Development ESMD RGMA Journal Article Roberts, Andrew Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)
Development of the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Near-Surface Atmospheric Climate Sensitivity RGMA Journal Article Cassano, John J. University of Colorado - Boulder
Land Surface Climate in the Regional Arctic System Model RGMA Journal Article Hamman, Joseph University of Washington
Winter Atmospheric Buoyancy Forcing and Oceanic Response during Strong Wind Events Around Southeastern Greenland in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) for 1990-2010 RGMA Journal Article DuViver, Alice K. University of Colorado - Boulder
Comparison of Wintertime Mesoscale Winds Over the Ocean Around Southeastern Greenland in WRF and ERA-Interim RGMA Journal Article DuVivier, Alice K. University of Colorado - Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Exploration of Turbulent Heat Fluxes and Wind Stress Curl in WRF and ERA-Interim during Wintertime Mesoscale Wind Events Around Southeastern Greenland RGMA Journal Article DuVivier, Alice University of Colorado - Boulder

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