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Project: Incorporate More Realistic Surface-Atmosphere Radiative Coupling in E3SM
Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Modeling perennial bioenergy crops in the E3SM land model (ELMv2) ESMD Journal Article Sinha, Eva Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Seasonal Dependent Impact of Ice‐Cloud Longwave Scattering on the Polar Climate ESMD Journal Article Chen, Yi-Hsuan University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Impact of Cloud Longwave Scattering on Radiative Fluxes Associated With the Madden‐Julian Oscillation in the Indian Ocean and Maritime Continent ESMD Journal Article Ren, Tong Texas A&M University
The Effects of Surface Longwave Spectral Emissivity on Atmospheric Circulation and Convection over the Sahara and Sahel ESMD Journal Article Chen, Yi-Hsuan University of Michigan

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