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Publication Date
7 December 2021

Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Response to Surface Warming in Simulations with Uniform Thermal Forcing

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The response of tropical cyclones (TCs) and their rainfall to increases in sea surface temperature (SST) is explored with the Community Atmosphere Model, version 5, in an idealized aquaplanet set-up with globally-uniform SSTs.

  • Anthropogenic climate change is increasing SSTs, and understanding how TC rainfall responds to SST increases is important to predict future changes in TC rainfall and associated hazards
  • This work develops a methodology to break down TC precipitation increases into thermodynamic and dynamic components, which can be applied to more realistic model simulations and observations
  • Idealized aquaplanet simulations are run with globally-uniform SSTs ranging from 295-305 K
  • As SST warms, the TC counts decrease while the average intensity and outer size of the storms increase
  • TC precipitation rates increase with SST, and for extreme precipitation, about 67% came from increases in atmospheric moisture while about 20% came from an increase in TC intensity
Point of Contact
Kevin Reed
Stony Brook University
Funding Program Area(s)