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The entire collection of Earth and Environmental System Modeling Research Highlights can be accessed using the search below. You may also search the BER Research Highlights database by selecting Earth and Environmental System Modeling and/or Multisector Dynamics then selecting List.

Title Contact Institution Date
Impact of Large-Scale Climate Extremes on Biospheric Carbon Fluxes ESMD Jakob Zscheischler
Observed Holiday Aerosol Reduction and Temperature Cooling over East Asia RGMA
Impurities in Snow and its Radiative Forcing over the Arctic and Northern China ESMD Yun Qian
Plugging Water's Effects in an Earth System Model ESMD Guoyong Leng Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
An Assessment of Global and Regional Sea Level for Years 1993–2007 in A Suite of Interannual CORE-II Simulations RGMA Stephen M. Griffies Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)
Increase in the Intensity of Post-monsoon Bay of Bengal Tropical Cyclones RGMA Kathik Balaguru Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Evidence that relationship between low-level cloud reflectivity and temperature in the current climate can predict the climate change response RGMA Neil D Gordon
Global Aerosol Microphysics Models Put to the Test ESMD G W Mann
The Role of Clouds in Shifting the Mid-Latitude Jet RGMA Paulo Ceppi
Assessing the CAM5 Physics Suite in the WRF-Chem Model ESMD
Using Aquaplanets to Understand the Robust Responses of Comprehensive Climate Models to Forcing RGMA B Medeiros
Probable Causes of the Abnormal Ridge Accompanying the 2013-14 California Drought: ENSO Precursor and Anthropogenic Warming Footprint ESMD
Is AMOC more predictable than North Atlantic heat content? RGMA G Branstator
Exploratory High-Resolution Climate Simulations using the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) RGMA Julio T Bacmeister National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
On the Possible Interaction between Internal Climate Variability and Forced Climate Change RGMA J Lu
The Robust Dynamical Contribution to Precipitation Extremes in Idealized Warming Simulations across Model Resolutions RGMA
Uncovering Global Effects of Clouds on Climate: Multi-scale model provides global view of Asian pollution impacts on Pacific storm track RGMA Yuan Wang
Profiling Clouds' Inner Life: Subgrid modeling pinpoints cloud transformation to uncover true reflective power ESMD Heng Xiao
Impacts of Climate Change and Vegetation Dynamics on Runoff in the Mountainous Region of the Haihe River Basin in the Past Five Decades RGMA Huimin Lei
Less Reliable Water Availability in the 21st Century Projected Climate RGMA
CMIP5 Climate Model Analyses: Climate extremes in the United States RGMA D Wuebbles
Researchers Find Common Ground for Water and Land Process Modeling ESMD RGMA MSD T K Tesfa Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Scalability of Grid- and Subbasin-Based Land Surface Modeling Frameworks for Hydrologic Simulations ESMD RGMA Teklu K Tesfa
Intercomparison of the Cloud Water Phase among Global Climate Models ESMD Muge Komurcu University of Wyoming
Mighty Monsoon Reacts to Deserts' Whims ESMD V Vinoj
Water Woes Projected in U.S. Southwest: Regional water availability reductions ahead according to research that reveals spring drying trends RGMA MSD Gao Yang
An AeroCom Assessment of Black Carbon in Arctic Snow and Sea Ice RGMA
Lower Estimates of Near-term Global Warming from Initialized Climate Models RGMA G A Meehl
Preparing for the Next Phase of CMIP RGMA Gerald A Meehl National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Lessons from an All-Ocean World: Longstanding modeling challenges doused in simulations of important precipitation features RGMA Qing Yang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

Showing 1771 - 1800 of 1974