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The entire collection of Earth and Environmental System Modeling Research Highlights can be accessed using the search below. You may also search the BER Research Highlights database by selecting Earth and Environmental System Modeling and/or Multisector Dynamics then selecting List.

Project: A Framework for Improving Analysis and Modeling of Earth System and Intersectoral Dynamics at Regional Scales (HyperFACETS)
Title Contact Institution Date
More Urbanization Could Mean More Rain for Cities RGMA MSD L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Towards an Explanation for the Resolution Sensitivity of CAM RGMA MSD Kevin A. Reed Stony Brook University
Modeling the Contributions of Global Air Temperature, Synoptic-Scale Phenomena and Soil Moisture to Near-Surface Static Energy Variability Using Artificial Neural Networks RGMA MSD S.C. Pryor Cornell University
Using Central Pressure Deficit to Predict Hurricane Damage RGMA MSD Kevin A. Reed Stony Brook University
When Bias Correction Goes Wrong RGMA MSD Daniel Walton University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Exploring a Variable-Resolution Approach for Simulating Regional Climate in the Rocky Mountain Region Using the VR-CESM ESMD RGMA MSD Xiaohong Liu University of Wyoming
Recent Changes in United States Heat Wave Characteristics Derived From Multiple Reanalyses RGMA MSD S.C. Pryor Cornell University
The Changing Character of Twenty-First-Century Precipitation over the Western United States in the Variable-Resolution CESM ESMD RGMA MSD Paul Ullrich University of California
Seasonal Timing of Floods in the Eastern U.S. Has Become More Variable Since 1980 RGMA MSD L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Understanding the Sensitivity of the Mean State of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) to Horizontal Resolution RGMA MSD Kevin A. Reed Stony Brook University
California's Extreme Swing in Extreme Climate Events RGMA MSD Simon Wang Utah State University (USU)
Arctic Tropospheric Warming Events are Increasing, With Impacts to Extreme Weather Events RGMA MSD Simon Wang Utah State University (USU)

Showing 151 - 162 of 162