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Title Date
Multi-sector Dynamics: Environmental Change, Resilience, and Society in Urban Areas Under a Changing Climate III Oral MSD -
Dominant source of uncertainty in CLM simulations of hydrological signatures: a CONUS-scale comparison between forcing and parametric uncertainty MSD -
Multi-sector Dynamics: Environmental Change, Resilience, and Society in Urban Areas Under a Changing Climate II Oral MSD -
Climate Extremes and the Future of the Power Sector in the U.S. Heartland: A Multi-Sector Dynamics Perspective MSD -
Future of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas as Sea Ice Thins under Climate Change MSD -
Evaluating the Propagation of Climate Vulnerability Through the Western US Water System and Interdependent Electricity System MSD -
Evaluating the Propagation of Climate Vulnerability Through the Western US Water System and Interdependent Electricity System RGMA MSD -
The Future Global Water Savings Potential of Agricultural Market Integration MSD -
Tethys 2.0: A Tool to Explore Global Monthly Sectoral Water Withdrawals and Consumption at 1/8<sup>th</sup> Degree Resolution in Response to Human and Earth System Dynamics Across Alternative Futures MSD -
A Scalable Approach to Develop Electricity Grid Models for Stress Testing to Diverse and Compounded Hydrometeorological Extremes and Climate Change: U.S. Western Interconnection Case MSD -
Multi-sector Dynamics: Environmental Change, Resilience, and Society in Urban Areas Under a Changing Climate I Online Poster Discussion MSD -
The 1996 Mid-Atlantic Winter Floods: Exploring Climate Risk through a Storyline Approach RGMA MSD
Comparison of Representations of Rain on Snow Flooding in Different Historical Datasets RGMA MSD
Key Uncertainties Differ When Characterizing Flood Hazards Versus Risks MSD
A retrospective and prospective examination of the 1960s U.S. Northeast Drought. ESMD RGMA MSD -
The Non-Linear Response of Rain-on-snow Floods to a Warming World: Perspectives from High-Resolution Storyline Simulations RGMA MSD
Linking Climate Change and Human Systems: A Case Study of Arctic Pipelines MSD
Ten Recommendations to Overcome Barriers to Adopting Open Science Principles MSD
A Distinct Atmospheric Mode for California Precipitation RGMA MSD
Relationship Between Socioeconomic Factors and the Built Environment of a City: A Case Study of Las Vegas, Nevada MSD
Wind power production from the U.S. east coast offshore lease areas RGMA MSD
Pooling Data Improves Multimodel IDF Estimates over Median-Based IDF Estimates: Analysis over the Susquehanna and Florida RGMA MSD
Deep Learning Experiments for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts MSD
Inferring water scarcity vulnerabilities: do converging model representations of water systems lead to convergent insights? MSD -
A global land data system to provide variable high-resolution spatial products MSD
Open Source and Performant Hydrological Modeling in Python: mosartwmpy, a Case Study MSD
Adaptation to Human Heat Stress: The Role of Labor Migration, Economic Responses, and Land Use Changes MSD
Storylines as a tool for advancing co-production of science and informing climate adaptation pathways: A perspective from the U.S. DOE HyperFACETS Project RGMA MSD
Differential Credibility of Climate Modes in CMIP6 RGMA MSD
A Vision for the MultiSector Dynamics Research Community MSD

Showing 151 - 180 of 492