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Title Date
Evaluation of modeled subglacial discharge from the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the Southern Ocean ESMD -
Improving Performance, Scalability, and Transparency of Urban Morphology Modeling ESMD -
Interoperability Lessons Migrating netCDF API Workflows from POSIX to Zarr Storage Formats ESMD -
Why terrestrial ecosystems matter for climate ESMD -
Internal Variability Increased Arctic Amplification during 1980-2022 ESMD -
Impact of resolved cloud-borne-aerosol transport in a global climate model E3SM ESMD -
Weather Systems Connecting Modes of Climate Variability to Regional Hydroclimate Extremes ESMD RGMA MSD -
Development of a River Dynamical Core for E3SM to Capture Compound Flooding ESMD -
A New National Dataset for Belowground Urban Stormwater Networks ESMD -
Projections of Antarctic sub-ice-shelf melting with the Energy Exascale Earth System Model ESMD -
Variations in topographic downscaling impacts of atmospheric forcing across different regions of CONUS in ELM ESMD -
A New National Dataset for Belowground Urban Stormwater Networks ESMD -
Impacts of Topography-Driven Water Redistribution on Terrestrial Water Storage Change in California through Ecosystem Response ESMD -
Global variable resolution modeling for kilometer-to-regional scale simulations ESMD RGMA -
Reduced-Dimensional Neural Network Surrogate Construction and Calibration of the E3SM Land Model ESMD -
Observational constraints on aerosol distributions and impacts ESMD -
Cloud Feedbacks in Year-long Cess Simulations with the Global 3-km SCREAM ESMD -
13) Mesh-independent River Modeling in the Sagavanirktok River Basin ESMD Poster -
23) Impact of Arctic Mesh Refinement on Global Sea Ice State in E3SM ESMD Poster -
22) Implementing Landfast Ice in E3SM ESMD Poster -
24) Sea Ice Breakup and Freeze-up Indicators: Coastal User and ESM Perspectives ESMD RGMA Poster -
12) Improving the Estimation of Discharge in Permafrost Simulations by Coupled ATS-MOSART ESMD Poster -
19) Effects of Surface Boundary Layer Mixing on Arctic Ocean Biogeochemistry ESMD RGMA Poster -
26) WAVEWATCHIII Performance Summary in E3SM ESMD Poster -
25) Wave-Sea Ice Coupling in E3SM ESMD Poster -
21) Simulating Arctic Benthic Organic Carbon in E3SM ESMD Poster -
01) InteRFACE Overview ESMD RGMA MSD Poster -
02) InteRFACE Data Management: Resources and Activities ESMD RGMA MSD Poster -
13) Mesh-independent River Modeling in the Sagavanirktok River Basin ESMD Poster -
23) Impact of Arctic Mesh Refinement on Global Sea Ice State in E3SM ESMD Poster -

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