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Wind Energy Contributions to Net Zero RGMA MSD
A new autoregressive model of air-sea CO2 exchange RGMA
Analyzing storylines of extreme precipitation associated with Hurricane Ida RGMA MSD
Increasing hurricane outer size in the western North Atlantic ESMD RGMA MSD
Future Heat Exposure and Precipitation Projections over the Great Lakes Region RGMA
Dynamics of Atmospheric River Clusters and Local Runoff Responses RGMA
Future Changes in Tropical Cyclone Tornadoes RGMA
Diagnosing mid-Atlantic icing events in Earth system models RGMA
Interactive Cloud Feedback Dampens the Memory and Predictability of the Propagating Southern Annular Mode RGMA
Tropical and North Pacific decadal variability and its influence on Northeast Pacific marine heatwaves RGMA
Arctic Atmospheric Rivers: Historical Trends and Impact on Wintertime Arctic Warm Extremes RGMA
Agricultural labor under future heat stress: productivity shocks and global agroeconomic consequences RGMA MSD
Modulation of Regional Carbon Uptake by AMOC and Alkalinity Changes in the Subpolar North Atlantic under a Warming Climate RGMA
Genesis, characteristics, and trends of Atlantic tropical cyclones that do and do not develop from African easterly waves RGMA
No Response of Pacific Decadal Variability to Historical External Forcing RGMA
Global land hotspots of clustered MCSs and their precipitation significance RGMA
When Machine Learning Objectives Compete for Improved Subseasonal Bias Correction, Who Wins? RGMA
Response of the surface climate to anthropogenic forcing in two coupled models RGMA
Persistent Differences in Simulated and Observed Tropical Tropospheric Warming RGMA
Synchronization of the Recent Decline of East African Long Rains and Northwestern Asian Warming RGMA
Analysis of reservoir drought risks based on a novel reservoir drought index considering water demand and supply in the western United States RGMA
Sea-ice biases and simulation fidelity across multiple CMIP phases RGMA
Extreme Precipitation and Flood Risk for New York City post-Ida RGMA
Enhanced Modeling and Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice: Insights from RASM and CMIP6 Simulations RGMA
Nonlinear carbon feedbacks in CMIP6 and their impacts on future freshwater availability RGMA
The momentum budget of extreme westerly wind bursts affecting major El Nino events RGMA
Using E3SM to understand bio-geo-chemical dynamics in high latitude marine ecosystems and deriving model products relevant to Arctic Stakeholders. RGMA
Using Deep Learning to Identify Initial Error Sensitivity for Interpretable ENSO Forecasts RGMA
The Role of Bering Strait Ocean Heat Transport in Arctic Warming RGMA
Addressing the modeling challenge of Climate Sensitivity RGMA

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