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Earth system models in a community and regional planning and decision support context: Perspectives from Arctic Alaska ESMD RGMA MSD
Quantifying uncertainty in projections of sea-level contribution from the Antarctic Ice Sheet ESMD
Accelerating modeling and discovery with data science and machine learning in Arctic environments ESMD RGMA
Toward Efficient Coupled Earth System Model Initialization for E3SM Version 3 ESMD
A Fortran-Python Interface for Integrating Machine Learning Parameterization into Earth System Models ESMD
Parameteric origins of the negative correlation between cloud droplet number and liquid water path ESMD RGMA
Sensitivity of Coastal Urban Areas to Extreme Sea Level Events Under Climate Change MSD
Two Approaches to Interactively Simulate the Plume-rise Process in E3SM: Process-based Model vs. Machine Learning Model ESMD
The Indian Ocean-Maritime Continent Regionally Refined SCREAM Configuration for MJO studies RGMA
Use of PETSc and libCEED to achieve algorithmic and hardware portability in developing a river dynamical core for E3SM ESMD
flat10MIP: A CO2 emissions-driven experiment to diagnose the climate response to positive, zero, and negative CO2 emissions RGMA
Modeling the Impact of Energy, Water, and Land System Transitions on Power Plant Landscape Evolution MSD
Drivers of Low-frequency Variability of Ocean Heat Content on the U.S. Northeast Shelf RGMA
Antarctic ice shelf melt and cavity circulation processes in high resolution regionally refined E3SM configurations ESMD
Testing the conditional skill of a hydro-economics model system for food, land, and water sustainability research MSD
Evaluation of Km-Scale River Routing on the Unstructured Voronoi Meshes in E3SM ESMD
EAMv3 New Developments in Interactive Chemistry, Stratospheric Aerosols, and a Novel Application ESMD
Identifying and Correcting Regional Climate Bias in Reanalysis Forcing Products for Site-level WrPMIP Simulations RGMA
Overview of the lower-resolution configuration of E3SMv3 ESMD
Groundwater and Society Workshop: Transdisciplinary collaborations for sustainable management of an “Invisible Resource”. MSD
Is sea surface salinity the missing subseasonal predictor for U.S. summertime precipitation? RGMA
Multi-resolution coupling for simulating extreme coastal water levels and flooding in E3SM ESMD
Uncertainty exploration with GCAM MSD
Adaptive Mesh Refinement in the age of Exascale Computing ESMD

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