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Spanning the Hydrostatic Limit with the CAM-SE Atmospheric Dynamical-Core ESMD
Subgrid Treatment of Surface Wind Speeds and Wind-driven Aerosol Emissions in CAM5 ESMD Poster
Single-column Simulations of Stratocumulus, Shallow Cumulus, and Deep Cumulus Clouds using a Unified Parameterization ESMD Poster
Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Precipitation at Global and Local Scales in the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5 ESMD Poster
Uncertainty Quantification in the Community Land Model ESMD
Sufficient Resolution for Global Climate Models for Representing Changes in Extreme Weather Statistics ESMD
Improving Land-Surface Modeling of Evapotranspiration Processes in Tropical Forests ESMD Poster
Development of an Isotope-Enabled CESM for Testing Abrupt Climate Changes ESMD Presentation, Presentation
Scalability of Grid- and Subbasin-based Land Surface Modeling Frameworks for Hydrologic Simulations ESMD Poster
Climate Workflow Automation and Optimization on DOE Resources ESMD
Parameterizing CAM's Deep Convection with the Stochastic Parcel Model ESMD
Using Direct Numerical Simulations for Understanding and Parameterizing Cloud-Related Processes in High-Resolution Climate Models ESMD Poster
Using Idealized Tests to Diagnose the Impact of Physical Parameterizations on Atmospheric Simulations ESMD Poster
Using Simplified Configurations to Diagnose Numerical Issues in CAM Cloud Physics ESMD
Using the CAM5 Physics in WRF to Better Understand Physics Behavior Across Scales ESMD Poster
Diagnosing and Improving the Characteristics of Atmospheric Model Dynamical Cores via Idealized Test Cases ESMD Presentation
Diagnostics and Representation of Multi-scale Eddy-mean Flow Interactions in MPAS-O ESMD
Development of the Albany/FELIX Land Ice Dycore using Software Components ESMD
Development of Global 1 km Hybrid 3-D Hydrological Model and Associated Land Surface Data Sets for Regional and Global Climate Modeling ESMD Poster
Developing an Automatic Metric and Diagnostic Package for CAPT Simulations ESMD
Coupling the Land Use Decisions and Carbon Cycles of Earth System and Integrated Assessment Models ESMD Presentation, Presentation
Chemistry in CESM-SE ESMD Poster
Multi-scale Modeling of Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Processes in Arctic Ecosystems ESMD Poster
Including Albedo Effects in IAM Scenarios ESMD Presentation
Implementation of Estuary-Shelf Freshwater Exchange Parameterizations in the Community Earth System Model ESMD Presentation
Impact of Ice-Nucleation and Cloud Macrophysics Parameterizations on CAM5 Simulated Arctic Clouds and Climate ESMD
Identifying the Anthropogenic Footprints using both Observation and Coupled Climate Model ESMD Poster
Exploring Spatial Distributions, Radiative Forcing and Source-receptor Relationships of Black Carbon in CAM5 ESMD Presentation
Exploring the Resolution Dependence of Aerosol, Cloud, and Aerosol-cloud Interactions in SD-CAM5 ESMD Poster
Parametric Sensitivity to Regional Mesh Refinement in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) ESMD Poster

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