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How will Future Climate Reshape Devastating Lake-Effect Snow Storms? ESMD RGMA MSD
Spatiotemporal Clustering Algorithms for Lead Detection in SAR Data ESMD
Integrating E3SM and ARM LASSO ESMD
Modeling Transport of Estuarine Contaminants in Coastal Urban Systems: A Baltimore Case Study ESMD RGMA
An uncertainty quantification framework for the E3SM land model ESMD
Characteristics of E3SMv2’s stratospheric circulation ESMD
North Atlantic surface water mass transformation contributions to Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in eddy-parameterized and eddy-permitting simulations ESMD
Developing a Physically Based Solution for the Ultra-low Could Droplet Number Issue in E3SM ESMD
Towards Coastal Ocean Carbon Cycle Modeling in E3SM ESMD RGMA
Toward improved understanding of hydrological processes in EAMxx using water isotope ratios and numerical tracers ESMD RGMA
Impacts of convective microphysics parameterization on MJO simulation in E3SM ESMD RGMA
Towards an Improved Mechanistic Representation of Ultrafine Particle Formation and Their Impact on CCN in E3SM Predictions ESMD
Overview of the SEAHORÇE SciDAC5 project ESMD
Towards Unified Convection Parameterization for Seamless Transition from Shallow to Deep Convection in SCREAM ESMD
Using Python to Explore the E3SM Atmosphere Model in C++ ESMD
Enhanced Sea Ice Mechanics with the Material Point Method ESMD
SCORPIO : An I/O library for Exascale ESMs ESMD
OMEGA-0: Preliminary Performance Results for the Ocean Model for E3SM Applications ESMD
Efficient testing strategies for modernizing the 4-mode Modal Aerosol Model (MAM4) for global kilometer-scale aerosol simulations ESMD
Modernization of the four-mode Modal Aerosol Module (MAM4xx) for its integration into the exascale E3SM Atmosphere Model (EAMxx). ESMD
Future projections of Antarctic sub-ice-shelf melting with E3SM v2.1 ESMD
Marine Biogeochemistry Capabilities for E3SM Version 3 Simulations ESMD
Simulating marine biogeochemistry and potential climate feedbacks with a next-generation ecosystem model ESMD
Contrasting E3SM-simulated aerosols and aerosol-cloud interactions at GCM scale versus cloud-resolving scale ESMD
Initial results from the SCREAM 3 km AMIP simulation ESMD
Improving Numerical Stability And Consistency Of Atmosphere-Surface Coupling Methods To Prevent Unphysical Model Behavior In E3SMv3 ESMD
Tying in High Resolution E3SM with ARM Data (THREAD) – Project Overview and Recent Progress ESMD
Analysis and Comparison of Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance and Energy Budget in E3SM ESMD
Using Machine Learning and Bayesian inference to constrain microphysics in LES and ESMs ESMD
Purpose-built modeling to inform climate impact mitigation ESMD RGMA

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