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Title Date
A New Measure of Model Performance RGMA
CMIP Global Ocean Diagnostics RGMA Poster
Is the Pacific Walker Circulation Changing in Response to Global Warming? RGMA
Changes in Ocean Heat Content from the 20th to 21st Centuries RGMA Presentation
Bio-Availability of Iron Inputs to the Ocean Driven by Aerosol Chemistry in Dust RGMA Poster
Assessment of Climate Model Simulated Clouds through Satellite Simulators RGMA
Forced and Free 20th Century Changes in Atmospheric Circulation and Storminess Associated with Global Warming RGMA
A Sensitivity Study on Modeling Black Carbon in Snow and its Radiative Forcing over the Arctic and Northern China RGMA Poster
The Weather-Climate Nexus: Large-Scale Organization of Extreme Events RGMA Presentation
21st Century Changes in Precipitation Extremes Over the United States: Can Climate Analogues Help or Hinder? RGMA
The Influence of Tropical Air-Sea Interaction on the Climate Impact of Aerosols: A Hierarchical Modeling Approach RGMA
Anthropogenic Footprints on ENSO and its Precursor: Are Greenhouse Gases Changing ENSO Precursors in the Western North Pacific? RGMA Poster
The South Pacific Meridional Mode: A Mechanism for ENSO-like Variability and a Precursor for ENSO RGMA
Modeling Transport of Estuarine Contaminants in Coastal Urban Systems: A Baltimore Case Study ESMD RGMA
Modeling of Natural and Engineered Systems in the Coastal Zone, from Ghost Forests to Urban Storm Drains RGMA
An Overview of the E3SM version 2 Large Ensemble and Comparison to other E3SM and CESM Large Ensembles RGMA
Diagnosing Mesoscale Convective Systems in DYAMOND Models: A Feature Tracking Intercomparison RGMA
Extreme Sea Level Events Induce Accelerated Increase in Flooding Time at U.S. East Coast in the Recent Decades RGMA
Recent advances in observations and modeling of global wetland CH4 emission RGMA
Large revision of global net photosynthesis with learning acclimation from multi source dataset RGMA
The Effects of Explicit Wind-Wave-Current Coupling on Hurricane Structure and Coastal Impacts RGMA
Wind Driving Longer Uncontrolled Large Fire Duration in the Western United States RGMA MSD
Madden-Julian Oscillation and Atmospheric Rivers: New Insights on Water Source and Transport for Extreme Rainfall Over the Western US RGMA
Exploring climate change impacts on US hurricanes through storylines RGMA MSD
Urban Impacts on Deep Convection RGMA MSD
Co-production as an approach to improve the impact of EESM research RGMA MSD
Windstorms in the U.S. Northeast RGMA MSD
Quantifying the compound hazard: Freezing rain-icing-wind gusts (FZG) RGMA MSD
Connecting Variability in the Tropical ENSO Column Response and the Remote Pacific Response in E3SM and CESM Large Ensembles RGMA
The role of atmospheric rivers (ARs) in the moisture and energy budget of the Arctic RGMA

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