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Project: Integrated Multisector, Multiscale Modeling (IM3) Scientific Focus Area
Title Date
Exploring Land Use and Land Cover Change and Feedbacks in the Global Change Assessment Model MSD
Representing Reservoir Stratification in Land Surface and Earth System Models MSD
Optimizing Transmission Expansion: The Benefits of Cooperative Planning in the Face of Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events MSD
Structural uncertainty in the sensitivity of urban canopy air temperature to anthropogenic heat flux MSD
Reproducible Integrated Modeling: It Takes a Village…and a Mayor MSD
River Routing and Water Management with mosartwmpy MSD
Scenario storyline discovery for multi-actor human-natural systems confronting change MSD
How Predictable is Urban Form Using Landscape Patterns? Associating Building Morphology with Land Use and Demographic Variables MSD
Managing Water Supply- and Financial-Risk in the Colorado River Basin MSD
Current and Future Neighborhood Urban Parameters for Evaluating Extreme Weather Impacts in Cities MSD
Modeling the Impact of Energy, Water, and Land System Transitions on Power Plant Landscape Evolution MSD
Exploring the Spatially Compounding Multi-sectoral Drought Vulnerabilities in Colorado's West Slope River Basins MSD
Understanding the role of urban morphology, anthropogenic heating, vegetation, and irrigation in urban microclimate dynamics to inform adaptation to climate change in urban areas MSD
Power Systems Analysis to Support MSD Research: Balancing Computational Speed and Fidelity MSD
Urban morphology evolution under uncertain land constraints and climate extremes MSD
Evaluating the influences of population growth, urban morphology evolution, and expansion of reuse on water supply reliability in Los Angeles County MSD
Exploring Energy-Water-Land System Dynamics Under Climate and Socioeconomic Uncertainties with GCAM-USA MSD
From Data to Decisions: Machine Learning for Water Allocation Amid Hydrologic Extremes MSD
Superwell: Integrating Groundwater Cost and Supply into Multisector Dynamics MSD
Strategic Systematic Review and Exploration of the Research Area of MultiSector Dynamics using Natural Language Processing, Graph Machine Learning, and Large Language Models MSD
Evaluation of future urban land expansion given multisectoral pressures using a global integrated human-Earth system model MSD

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