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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Region and cloud regime dependence of parametric sensitivity in E3SM atmosphere model ESMD Journal Article Qian, Yun Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mechanisms of tropical Pacific decadal variability RGMA Journal Article Capotondi, Antonietta University of Colorado - Boulder
The Role of Interactive Soil Moisture in Land Drying Under Anthropogenic Warming RGMA Journal Article Zhou, Wenyu Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Growing Pacific Linkage with Western North Atlantic Explosive Cyclogenesis RGMA Journal Article Stuivenvolt-Allen, Jacob Utah State University
Mass‐Conserving Downscaling of Climate Model Precipitation Over Mountainous Terrain for Water Resource Applications RGMA Journal Article Rugg, A. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Investigating Future Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Near‐Surface Wind Speed Changes Related to Surface Roughness Using the Community Earth System Model RGMA Journal Article DuVivier, Alice K. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
An Ensemble of Neural Networks for Moist Physics Processes, its Generalizability and Stable Integration ESMD Journal Article Han, Yilun
Real-time attribution of the influence of climate change on extreme weather events: a storyline case study of Hurricane Ian rainfall RGMA MSD Journal Article Reed, Kevin A Stony Brook University
Comparing the Performance of Julia on CPUs versus GPUs and Julia-MPI versus Fortran-MPI: a case study with MPAS-Ocean (Version 7.1) ESMD Journal Article Bishnu, Siddhartha Los Alamos National Laboratory
A Refined Understanding of the Ice Cloud Longwave Scattering Effects in Climate Model ESMD Journal Article Fan, Chongxing University of Michigan
Arctic cyclones have become more intense and longer-lived over the past seven decades RGMA Journal Article Zhang, Xiangdong North Carolina State University
A cleaner snow future mitigates Northern Hemisphere snowpack loss from warming ESMD Journal Article Hao, Dalei Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Intensive and extensive margins of the peak load: Measuring adaptation with mixed frequency panel data MSD Journal Article Colelli, Francesco Pietro Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
A Moist Potential Vorticity Model for Midlatitude Long-Lived Mesoscale Convective Systems over Land RGMA Journal Article Yang, Qiu Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Recreating the California New Year's Flood Event of 1997 in a Regionally Refined Earth System Model RGMA MSD Journal Article Rhoades, Alan M. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Incorporating the Effect of Large‐Scale Vertical Motion on Convection Through Convective Mass Flux Adjustment in E3SMv2 ESMD RGMA Journal Article Song, Xiaoliang Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Downscaling and bias-correction contribute considerable uncertainty to local climate projections in CMIP6 MSD Journal Article Lafferty, David C. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Use of Shallow Ice Core Measurements to Evaluate and Constrain 1980–1990 Global Reanalyses of Ice Sheet Precipitation Rates ESMD Journal Article Schneider, Adam Michael University of California Irvine (UC Irvine)
Evaluating skill in predicting the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation in initialized decadal climate prediction hindcasts in E3SMv1 and CESM1 using two different initialization methods and a small set of start years RGMA Journal Article Meehl, Gerald A. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
The Role of Bjerknes and Shortwave Feedbacks in the Tropical Pacific SST Response to Global Warming RGMA Journal Article Fu, Minmin Yale University
Continental United States climate projections based on thermodynamic modification of historical weather RGMA MSD Journal Article Jones, Andrew D. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
A new method for predicting hurricane rapid intensification based on co-occurring environmental parameters RGMA Journal Article Narayanan, Anushka Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Persistent ocean anomalies as a response to Northern Hemisphere heating induced by biomass burning variability RGMA Journal Article Yamaguchi, Ryohei Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Enhancing the representation of water management in global hydrological models ESMD MSD Journal Article Abeshu, Guta Wakbulcho University of Houston
Stronger Tropical Cyclone–Induced Ocean Cooling in Near-Coastal Regions Compared to the Open Ocean RGMA Journal Article Dac Da, Nguyen Vietnam National University
Assessing decadal variability of subseasonal forecasts of opportunity using explainable AI RGMA Journal Article Arcodia, Marybeth C Colorado State University
Climate Base State Influences on South Asian Monsoon Processes Derived From Analyses of E3SMv2 and CESM2 RGMA Journal Article Meehl, Gerald A. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Assessment of the Pan-Arctic Accelerated Rate of Sea Ice Decline in CMIP6 Historical Simulations RGMA Journal Article Lee, Younjoo J. Naval Postgraduate School
Potential Benefits in Remapping the Special Flood Hazard Area: Evidence from the U.S. Housing Market MSD Journal Article Pollack, Adam B Boston University
Agricultural market integration preserves future global water resources MSD Journal Article Graham, Neal T. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Showing 181 - 210 of 2113