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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Simulated vs. Empirical Weather Responsiveness of Crop Yields: US Evidence and Implications for the Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change MSD Journal Article Mistry, Malcolm N. Università Ca' Foscari
The Role of the Southern Hemisphere Semiannual Oscillation in the Development of A Precursor to Central and Eastern Pacific Southern Oscillation Warm Events RGMA Journal Article Meehl, Gerald A. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Contribution of Urbanization to the Increase of Extreme Heat Events in an Urban Agglomeration in East China RGMA Journal Article Yang, Xuchao Zhejiang University
Analyzing the Effect of Ocean Internal Variability on Depth-Integrated Steric Sea-Level Rise Trends Using a Low-Resolution CESM Ensemble MSD Journal Article Hogan, Emily University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Understanding Flood Seasonality and its Temporal Shifts within the Contiguous United States RGMA MSD Journal Article Ye, Sheng Zhejiang University
An Explanation for the Sensitivity of the Mean State of the Community Atmosphere Model to Horizontal Resolution on Aquaplanets RGMA MSD Journal Article Reed, Kevin Stony Brook University
California From Drought to Deluge RGMA MSD Journal Article Wang, S.-Y. Simon Utah State University (USU)
Basin-Scale Heterogeneity in Antarctic Precipitation and its Impact on Surface Mass Variability RGMA Journal Article Fyke, Jeremy G. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
The Role of Jet and Film Drops in Controlling the Mixing State of Submicron Sea Spray Aerosol Particles RGMA Journal Article Wang, Xiaofei University of California San Diego (UC San Diego)
Recent Advances in Understanding Secondary Organic Aerosol: Implications for global climate forcing ESMD Journal Article Shrivastava, Manish Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture: A Comparison of Process-Based and Statistical Yield Models MSD Journal Article Moore, Frances C. University of California Davis (UC Davis)
Biospheric Feedback Effects in a Synchronously Coupled Model of Human and Earth Systems ESMD Journal Article Thornton, Peter Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Observed and Projected Changes to the Precipitation Annual Cycle RGMA Journal Article Marvel, Kate Columbia University
Role of Perturbing Ocean Initial Condition in Simulated Regional Sea Level Change RGMA Journal Article Hu, Aixue
Effects of Spatially Distributed Sectoral Water Management on the Redistribution of Water Resources in an Integrated Water Model ESMD MSD Journal Article Voisin, Nathalie Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Isopycnal eddy mixing across the Kuroshio Extension: Stable versus unstable states in an eddying model ESMD RGMA Journal Article Chen, Ru Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
Climate Mitigation from Vegetation Biophysical Feedbacks during the Past Three Decades ESMD RGMA Journal Article Zeng, Zhenzhong Peking University
Exploring Precipitation Pattern Scaling Methodologies and Robustness Among CMIP5 Models MSD Journal Article Kravitz, Ben Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Dust-wind Interactions Can Intensify Aerosol Pollution over Eastern China RGMA Journal Article Yang, Yang Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
Cloud feedback mechanisms and their representation in global climate models RGMA Journal Article Ceppi, Paulo University of Reading
Extreme Weather and Climate Events with Ecological Relevance: A review RGMA Journal Article Meehl, Gerald A.
Effects of climate change on probable maximum precipitation: A sensitivity study over the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin MSD Journal Article Rastogi, Deeksha Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Crop Yield Response to Climate Change Varies With Crop Spatial Distribution Pattern MSD Journal Article Leng, Guoyong Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Asylum Applications and Migration Flows MSD Journal Article Missirian, Anouch Columbia University
Large Contribution of Coarse Mode to Aerosol Microphysical and Optical Properties: Evidence from Ground-based Observations of a Trans-Pacific Dust Outbreak at a High-Elevation North American Site ESMD RGMA Journal Article Kassianov, Evgueni Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Tropospheric Waveguide Teleconnections and their Seasonality RGMA Journal Article Teng, Haiyan National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Urbanization-induced urban heat island and aerosol effects on climate extremes in the Yangtze River Delta region of China RGMA Journal Article Zhong, Shi Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Constraining the Instantaneous Aerosol Influence on Cloud Albedo ESMD RGMA Journal Article Gryspeerdt, Edward Imperial College London
Weakening Temperature Control on the Interannual Variations of Spring Carbon Uptake across Northern Lands RGMA Journal Article Mao, Shilong Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Tangent linear superparameterization of convection in a 10-layer global atmosphere with calibrated climatology RGMA Journal Article Kelly , Patrick Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

Showing 1621 - 1650 of 2115