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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Evaluation of Integrated Assessment Model Hindcast Experiments: a Case Study of the GCAM 3.0 Land Use Module MSD Journal Article Snyder, Abigail Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
A Global Food Demand Model for the Assessment of Complex Human-Earth Systems MSD Journal Article Edmonds, James Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Incorporating Variability in Simulations of Seasonally Forced Phenology Using Integral Projection Models ESMD RGMA Journal Article Goodsman, Devin W Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
An AgMIP Framework for Improved Agricultural Representation in Integrated Assessment Models MSD Journal Article Ruane, Alex C. NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Methanogenesis in Oxygenated Soils is A Substantial Fraction of Wetland Methane Emissions RGMA Journal Article Smith, Garrett J.
Performance Analysis of Fully Explicit and Fully Implicit Solvers within A Spectral Element Shallow-Water Atmosphere Model ESMD Journal Article Archibald, Richard K Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) - Computing and Computational Sciences
Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) Runge-Kutta Methods for Non-Hydrostatic Atmospheric Models ESMD RGMA Journal Article Gardner, David J. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Physical Understanding of the Tropical Cyclone Wind-Pressure Relationship RGMA MSD Journal Article Chavas, Daniel R. Purdue University
Changes in Tropical Cyclones Under Stabilized 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C Global Warming Scenarios as Simulated by the Community Atmospheric Model Under the HAPPI Protocols RGMA Journal Article Wehner, Michael F. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Hydrological Drought in the Anthropocene: Impacts of Local Water Extraction and Reservoir Regulation in the U.S. ESMD MSD Journal Article Wan, Wenhua Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Towards Process-Informed Bias Correction of Climate Change Simulations RGMA MSD Journal Article Maraun, Douglas University of Graz
Advancing a Model-Validated Statistical Method for Decomposing the Key Oceanic Drivers of Regional Climate: Focus on Northern and Tropical African Climate Variability RGMA Journal Article Wang, Fuyao University of Wisconsin Madison
Evaluating penalized logistic regression models to predict Heat-Related Electric Grid stress days MSD Journal Article Bramer, L. M. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Decadal Variability of the Indian and Pacific Walker Cells Since the 1960s: Do They Co-vary on Decadal Timescale? RGMA Journal Article Hu, Aixue National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - Climate and Global Dynamics Division
Exploring a Variable-Resolution Approach for Simulating Regional Climate in the Rocky Mountain Region Using the VR-CESM ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Wu, Chenglai University of Wyoming
Quantifying the Indirect Impacts of Climate on Agriculture: An Inter-Method Comparison MSD Journal Article Calvin, Kate Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Changes in Extremely Hot Days Under Stabilized 1.5C and 2.0C Global Warming Scenarios as Simulated by the HAPPI Multi-Model Ensemble RGMA Journal Article Wehner, Michael Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Dam Construction in Lancang-Mekong River Basin Could Mitigate Future Flood Risk From Warming-Induced Intensified Rainfall RGMA Journal Article Leung, L. Ruby Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Low-Cloud Feedbacks from Cloud-Controlling Factors: A Review RGMA Journal Article Klein, Stephen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Increased Ocean Heat Convergence Into the High Latitudes With CO2 Doubling Enhances Polar-Amplified Warming RGMA Journal Article Singh, H. A. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Nonlinear Filtering Effects of Reservoirs on Flood Frequency Curves at the Regional Scale MSD Journal Article Wang, Wei Tsinghua University
Using ARM Observations to Evaluate Land-Atmosphere Coupling in on the U.S. Southern Great Plains RGMA Journal Article Phillips, Thomas Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Achieving sustainable irrigation water withdrawals: global impacts on food security and land use MSD Journal Article Liu, Jing Purdue University
Computing Eddy-Driven Effective Diffusivity Using Lagrangian Particles ESMD Journal Article Wolfram, Phillip Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) - Theoretical Divison
Internally Generated and Externally Forced Multidecadal Oceanic Modes and their Influence on the Summer Rainfall Over East Asia RGMA Journal Article Hu, Aixue National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - Climate and Global Dynamics Division
Clearing Clouds of Uncertainty RGMA Journal Article Zelinka, Mark Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Aerosols and their Impact on Radiation, Clouds, Precipitation & Severe Weather Events Journal Article Li, Zhanqing University of Maryland
Full-Flow-Regime Storage-Streamflow Correlation Patterns Provide Insights into Hydrologic Functioning over the Continental US ESMD Journal Article Fang, Kuai Pennsylvania State University
Xanthos – A Global Hydrologic Model MSD Journal Article Li, Xinya Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Evaluation of Snow Water Equivalent in NARCCAP Simulations, Including Measures of Observational Uncertainty RGMA MSD Journal Article McCrary, Rachel R. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

Showing 1561 - 1590 of 2113