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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Cloud Radiative Feedbacks and El Niño–Southern Oscillation RGMA Journal Article Middlemas, Eleanor A. University of Miami
A Zonal Migration of Monsoon Moisture Flux Convergence and the Strength of Madden‐Julian Oscillation Events RGMA Journal Article Hagos , Samson Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Ocean Barrier Layers in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model ESMD Journal Article Reeves Eyre, J.E. Jack University of Arizona
High Climate Sensitivity in the Community Earth System Model Version 2 (CESM2) RGMA Journal Article Gettelman, A. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Wind Farm Wakes Simulated Using WRF RGMA Journal Article Pryor, S C Cornell University
Monsoon Depression Amplification by Moist barotropic Instability in a Vertically Sheared Environment RGMA Journal Article Diaz, Michael University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
ENSO Regime Changes Responsible for Decadal Phase Relationship Variations Between ENSO Sea Surface Temperature and Warm Water Volume RGMA Journal Article Zhang, Wenjun Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Numerical Representations of Marine Ice‐Nucleating Particles in Remote Marine Environments Evaluated Against Observations RGMA Journal Article McCluskey, CS Colorado State University
The Effects of Surface Longwave Spectral Emissivity on Atmospheric Circulation and Convection over the Sahara and Sahel ESMD Journal Article Chen, Yi-Hsuan University of Michigan
An Eddy-Permitting Ocean-Sea Ice General Circulation Model (E3SMv0-HiLAT03): Description and Dvaluation RGMA Technical Report Zhang, Jiaxu Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Investigating the Influence of Cloud Radiative Effects on the Extratropical Storm Tracks RGMA Journal Article Grise, Kevin M. University of Virginia
Representing Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Carbon Interactions in the E3SM Land Model: Development and Global Benchmarking ESMD RGMA Journal Article Zhu, Qing Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Intensification of the Pre‐Meiyu Rainband in the Late 21st Century RGMA Journal Article Chiang, John University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
A Pathway of Global Food Supply Adaptation in a World with Increasingly Constrained Groundwater MSD Journal Article Turner, Sean W.D. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Global Agricultural Green and Blue Water Consumption Under Future Climate and Land Use Changes MSD Journal Article Huang, Zhongwei Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Exploring a Lower‐Resolution Physics Grid in CAM‐SE‐CSLAM RGMA Journal Article Herrington, Adam R. Stony Brook University
A Hierarchical Collection of Political/Economic Regions for Analysis of Climate Extremes RGMA Journal Article Stone, Dáithí Global Climate Adaptation Partnership - UK
Distribution and Variation of the Surface Sensible Heat Flux Over the Central and Eastern Tibetan Plateau: Comparison of Station Observations and Multireanalysis Products RGMA Journal Article Chen, Lian Fudan University
RUBISCO Soil Carbon Dynamics Working Group 2018 Fall Meeting Final Report RGMA Workshop Report
Circumglobal Response to Prescribed Soil Moisture over North America RGMA Journal Article Teng, Haiyan National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Amplification of future energy demand growth due to climate change MSD Journal Article van Ruijven, Bas J. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Impacts of Observational Constraints Related to Sea Level on Estimates of Climate Sensitivity MSD Journal Article Vega-Westhoff, Ben University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Data Mining Climate Variability as an Indicator of U.S. Natural Gas RGMA Journal Article Stuivenvolt-Allen, Jacob Utah State University (USU)
Coupled Flow Accumulation and Atmospheric Blocking Govern Flood Duration RGMA Journal Article Najibi, Nasser City College of New York (CUNY)
Ice and Permafrost Effects on Delta Morphology and Channel Dynamics RGMA Journal Article Lauzon, Rebecca Duke University
New Insights into Natural Variability and Anthropogenic Forcing of Global/Regional Climate Evolution RGMA Journal Article Wu, Tongwen China Meteorological Administration
A Review of the Role of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in Atlantic Multidecadal Variability and Associated Climate Impacts RGMA Journal Article Zhang, Rong Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)
Assessing the Simulation of Precipitation in Earth System Models White Paper RGMA Workshop Report
Communication-Efficient Property Preservation in Tracer Transport ESMD Journal Article Bradley, Andrew M. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
Projected Changes in United States Regional Extreme Heat Days Derived From Bivariate Quantile Mapping of CMIP5 Simulations RGMA MSD Journal Article Schoof, Justin T. Southern Illinois University

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