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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
The Fertilizing Role of African Dust in the Amazon Rainforest: A First Multiyear Assessment Based on CALIPSO Lidar Observations RGMA Journal Article Yu, Hongbin University of Maryland - ESSIC
Aerosol Specification in Single-Column Community Atmosphere Model Version 5 ESMD Journal Article Habtezion, Bereket Lebassi Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Eddy-Driven Sediment Transport in the Argentine Basin: Is the height of the Zapiola Rise hydrodynamically controlled? RGMA Journal Article Weijer, Wilbert Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Aridity changes in the Tibetan Plateau in a warming climate RGMA Journal Article Gao, Yanhong Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) - Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute
Near-Term Acceleration in the Rate of Temperature Change MSD Journal Article Smith, Steven Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Ocean Currents Generate Large Footprints in Marine Palaeoclimate Proxies RGMA Journal Article van Sebille, Erik University of New South Wales
Changes in Moisture Flux over the Tibetan Plateau during 1979-2011: Insights from a High-Resolution Simulation-JOC-May2015 RGMA Journal Article Gao, Yanhong
Effects of the Bering Strait Closure on AMOC and Global Climate Under Different Background Climates RGMA Journal Article Hu, Aixue National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) - Climate and Global Dynamics Division
Derivation of an Observation-based Map of North African Dust Emission RGMA Journal Article Evan, Amato T Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
The Role of the PMOC in Modulating the Deglacialshift of the ITCZ RGMA Journal Article Liu, Wei Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
The De‑Correlation of Westerly Winds and Westerly‑Wind Stress over the Southern Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum RGMA Journal Article
Interannual to Decadal Climate Variability of Sea Salt Aerosols in the Coupled Climate Model CESM1.0 ESMD Journal Article Xu, Li Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)
HESFIRE: A Global Fire Model to Explore the Role of Anthropogenic and Weather Drivers MSD Journal Article Le Page, Yannick Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
The North American Winter ‘Dipole’ and Extremes Activity: A CMIP5 Assessment ESMD Journal Article
Effects of Pre-Existing Ice Crystals on Cirrus Clouds And Comparison Between Different Ice Nucleation Parameterizations with the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM5) ESMD Journal Article Shi, X University of Wyoming - Department of Atmospheric Science
Short-term Time Step Convergence in a Climate Model ESMD Journal Article Wan, Hui Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Carbonaceous Aerosols Recorded in a Southeastern Tibetan Glacier: Analysis of Temporal Variations and Model Estimates of Sources and Radiative Forcing ESMD Journal Article Wang, M Key Laboratory of Tibetan Environment Changes and Land Surface Processes
Algorithmically scalable block preconditioner for fully implicit shallow-water equations in CAM-SE ESMD Journal Article Lott, P Aaron Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Evaluation of the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian Vertical Coordinate Method in the MPAS-Ocean Model ESMD Journal Article Petersen, Mark R Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Simulations of Ecosystem Hydrological Processes Using A Unified Multi-scale Model ESMD Journal Article Yang, Xiaofan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Linkages of Remote Sea Surface Temperatures and Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity Mediated by the African Monsoon RGMA Journal Article Taraphdar, Sourav Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) - Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division
Albany/FELIX: a parallel, scalable and robust, finite element, first-order Stokes approximation ice sheet solver built for advanced analysis ESMD Journal Article Tezaur, Irina Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
Parameterizing Deep Convection Using the Assumed Probability Density Function Method ESMD Journal Article Storer, R L University of Wisconsin - Department of Mathematical Sciences
Need and Options for Subnational Scale Land-Use and Land-Cover Scenarios for the United States MSD Technical Report Brown, Daniel University of Michigan
Procedia Computer Science, ICCS 2015 International Conference on Computational Science ESMD Journal Article Tezaur, Irina Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
The Structure and Dynamics of the Stratospheric Northern Annular Mode in CMIP5 Simulations RGMA Journal Article Lee, Yun-Young University of California
Observed multivariable signals of late 20th and early 21st century volcanic activity ESMD RGMA Journal Article
Process-model Simulations of Cloud Albedo Enhancement by Aerosols in the Arctic ESMD Journal Article Kravitz, Ben Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Early 20th Century Global Warming Linked to Tropical Pacific Wind Strength RGMA Journal Article Thompson, D M National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Assessment of Simulated Water Balance from Noah, Noah-MP, CLM, and VIC over CONUS using the NLDAS Test Bed ESMD Journal Article Cai, Xitian University of Texas at Austin - Department of Geological Sciences

Showing 1951 - 1980 of 2096