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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Increasing precipitation whiplash in climate change hotspots RGMA Journal Article Chen, Di University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Internal variability and forcing influence model–satellitedifferences in the rate of tropical tropospheric warming RGMA Journal Article Po-Chedley, Stephen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Aerosols must be included in climate risk assessments RGMA Journal Article Persad, Geeta G. University of Texas at Austin
Anthropogenic contributions to the 2021 Pacific Northwest heatwave RGMA Journal Article Bercos‐Hickey, Emily Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Compound effects of rain, storm surge, and river discharge on coastal flooding during Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee (2011) in the Mid-Atlantic region: coupled atmosphere-wave-ocean model simulation and observations ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Kerns, Brandon W. University of Washington
The Role of Ocean Circulation in Southern Ocean Heat Uptake, Transport, and Storage Response to Quadrupled CO2 RGMA Journal Article Li, Qiuxian Ocean University of China
Characteristics and Variability of Winter Northern Pacific Atmospheric River Flavors RGMA Journal Article Zhou, Yang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Asymmetric emergence of low-to-no snow in the midlatitudes of the American Cordillera RGMA MSD Journal Article Rhoades, Alan M. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Quantification of human contribution to soil moisture-based terrestrial aridity RGMA Journal Article Wang, Yaoping University of Tennessee; Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Technical note: Modeling spatial fields of extreme precipitation – a hierarchical Bayesian approach RGMA Journal Article Rahill-Marier, Bianca NCX
Technical note: Modeling spatial fields of extreme precipitation – a hierarchical Bayesian approach RGMA Journal Article Rahill-Marier, Bianca NCX
STITCHES: creating new scenarios of climate model output by stitching together pieces of existing simulations RGMA MSD Journal Article Tebaldi, Claudia Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
tell: a Python package to model future totalelectricity loads in the United States MSD Journal Article McGrath, Casey R. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
The contribution of Humboldt Glacier, northern Greenland, to sea-level rise through 2100 constrained by recent observations of speedup and retreat ESMD Journal Article Hillebrand, Trevor R. Los Alamos National Laboratory
Roles of External Forcing and Internal Variability in Precipitation Changes of a Sub‐Region of the U.S. Mid‐Atlantic During 1979–2019 RGMA Journal Article Dong, Lu Ocean University of China
North American fire weather catalyzed by the extratropical transition of tropical cyclones RGMA Journal Article Stuivenvolt-Allen, Jacob Utah State University
Influence of African Easterly Wave Suppression on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity in a Convection‐Permitting Model RGMA Journal Article Danso, Derrick K. Iowa State University
Revised monthly energy generation estimates for 1,500 hydroelectric power plants in the United States MSD Journal Article Turner, Sean W. D. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Investigating coastal backwater effects and flooding in the coastal zone using a global river transport model on an unstructured mesh ESMD Journal Article Feng, Dongyu Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sea ice breakup and freeze-up indicators for users of the Arctic coastal environment RGMA Journal Article Walsh, John E. University of Alaska Fairbanks
Topological Methods for Pattern Detection in Climate Data RGMA Book Chapter Muszynski, Grzegorz Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Stabilizing effect of bedrock uplift on retreat of Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica, at centennial timescales ESMD Journal Article Book, Cameron Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Toward More Actionable Flood‐Risk Information MSD Journal Article Cooper, C. M. Pennsylvania State University
Long-term basin-scale hydropower expansion under alternative scenarios in a global multisector model MSD Journal Article Zhang, Ying Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Quantifying Flood Frequency Associated with Clustered Mesoscale Convective Systems in the United States RGMA MSD Journal Article Hu , Huancui Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Development and Evaluation of E3SM‐MOSAIC: Spatial Distributions and Radiative Effects of Nitrate Aerosol ESMD Journal Article Wu, Mingxuan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Generative Adversarial Networks for the Prediction of Future Urban Morphology MSD Conference Proceedings Allen-Dumas, Melissa R. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Global Barotropic Tide Modeling Using Inline Self‐Attraction and Loading in MPAS‐Ocean ESMD Journal Article Barton, Kristin N. University of Michigan
The Climatic Impact‐Driver Framework for Assessment of Risk‐Relevant Climate Information RGMA Journal Article Ruane, Alex C. NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)
Attribution of North American Subseasonal Precipitation Prediction Skill RGMA Journal Article Sun, Lantao Colorado State University

Showing 391 - 420 of 2113