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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
CICE on a C-grid: new momentum, stress, and transport schemes for CICEv6.5 ESMD Journal Article Lemieux, Jean-François Environnement et Changement Climatique - Canada
Improving streamflow predictions across CONUS by integrating advanced machine learning models and diverse data ESMD RGMA Journal Article Tayal, Kshitij Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Light Transfers Through a Koch Shape Cloud ESMD Journal Article Ren, Tong Texas A&M University
Refactoring the elastic–viscous–plastic solver from the sea ice model CICE v6.5.1 for improved performance ESMD Journal Article Rasmussen, Till Andreas Soya Danish Meteorological Institute
Quantifying structural errors in cloud condensation nuclei activity from reduced representation of aerosol size distributions ESMD Journal Article Fierce, Laura Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Improving Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Climate in E3SM: Impacts of New Cloud Microphysics and Improved Wet Removal Treatments ESMD Journal Article Shan, Yunpeng Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
A Diffusion‐Based Uncertainty Quantification Method to Advance E3SM Land Model Calibration ESMD RGMA Journal Article Lu, Dan Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Stabilized bases for high-order, interpolation semi-Lagrangian, element-based tracer transport ESMD Journal Article Bradley, Andrew M. Sandia National Laboratories
xCDAT: A Python Package for Simple and Robust Analysis of Climate Data ESMD RGMA Journal Article Vo, Tom Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Ice-shelf freshwater triggers for the Filchner–Ronne Ice Shelf melt tipping point in a global ocean–sea-ice model ESMD Journal Article Hoffman, Matthew J. Los Alamos National Laboratory
Are turbulence effects on droplet collision–coalescence a key to understanding observed rain formation in clouds? ESMD Journal Article Chandrakar, Kamal Kant NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research
Global variability in atmospheric new particle formation mechanisms ESMD Journal Article Zhao, Bin Tsinghua University - China
Simulation of Compound Flooding Using River‐Ocean Two‐Way Coupled E3SM Ensemble on Variable‐Resolution Meshes ESMD Journal Article Feng, Dongyu Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
How Could Future Climate Conditions Reshape a Devastating Lake‐Effect Snow Storm? ESMD RGMA MSD Journal Article Kayastha, Miraj B. Michigan Technological University
Impacts of Stochastic Coalescence Variability on Warm Rain Initiation Using Lagrangian Microphysics in Box and Large-Eddy Simulations ESMD Journal Article Morrison, Hugh NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research
Modeling the Effects of Artificial Drainage on Agriculture‐Dominated Watersheds Using a Fully Distributed Integrated Hydrology Model ESMD RGMA Journal Article Rathore, Saubhagya S. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Effects of Surface Turbulence Flux Parameterizations on the MJO: The Role of Ocean Surface Waves ESMD Journal Article Ikuyajolu, Olawale James Georgia Institute of Technology
Droplet collection efficiencies inferred from satellite retrievals constrain effective radiative forcing of aerosol–cloud interactions ESMD Journal Article Beall, Charlotte M. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Impacts of spatial heterogeneity of anthropogenic aerosol emissions in a regionally refined global aerosol–climate model ESMD Journal Article Hassan, Taufiq Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Surface and Atmospheric Heating Responses to Spectrally Resolved Albedo of Frozen and Liquid Water Surfaces ESMD Journal Article Tolento, Juan P. University of California Irvine
Integrating Tide‐Driven Wetland Soil Redox and Biogeochemical Interactions Into a Land Surface Model ESMD Journal Article Sulman, Benjamin N. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Effect of Physically Based Ice Radiative Processes on Greenland Ice Sheet Albedo and Surface Mass Balance in E3SM ESMD Journal Article Whicker‐Clarke, C. A. University of Michigan
A Verification Suite of Test Cases for the Barotropic Solver of Ocean Models ESMD Journal Article Bishnu, Siddhartha Los Alamos National Laboratory
Autocalibration of the E3SM Version 2 Atmosphere Model Using a PCA‐Based Surrogate for Spatial Fields ESMD Journal Article Yarger, Drew Sandia National Laboratories
Quantifying the long-term changes of terrestrial water storage and their driving factors ESMD RGMA Journal Article Shi, Xiaoying Oak Ridge National Laboratory
An overview of the Western United States Dynamically Downscaled Dataset (WUS-D3) ESMD RGMA Journal Article Rahimi, Stefan University of California Los Angeles
Climate change will reduce North American inland wetland areas and disrupt their seasonal regimes ESMD Journal Article Xu, Donghui Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Plant responses to elevated CO2 under competing hypotheses of nitrogen and phosphorus limitations ESMD RGMA Journal Article Zhu, Qing Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Numerical coupling of aerosol emissions, dry removal, and turbulent mixing in the E3SM Atmosphere Model version 1 (EAMv1) – Part 1: Dust budget analyses and the impacts of a revised coupling scheme ESMD Journal Article Wan, Hui Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Numerical coupling of aerosol emissions, dry removal, and turbulent mixing in the E3SM Atmosphere Model version 1 (EAMv1) – Part 2: A semi-discrete error analysis framework for assessing coupling schemes ESMD Journal Article Vogl, Christopher J. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Showing 1 - 30 of 480