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Title Type Author(s) Institution Date
Impact of Decadal Cloud Variations on the Earth’s Energy Budget RGMA Journal Article Zhou, Chen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Recommendations for Diagnosing Effective Radiative Forcing from Climate Models for CMIP6 RGMA Journal Article Forster, Piers M University of Leeds
Spatial Patterns of Sea Level Variability Associated with Natural Internal Climate Modes RGMA Journal Article Stammer, Detlef
A Morphology Independent Methodology for Quantifying Planview River Change and Characteristics from Remotely Sensed Imagery ESMD RGMA Journal Article Rowland, Joel Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Interaction of the Recent 50 Year SST Trend and La Nina 2010: Amplification of the Southern Annular Mode and Australian springtime rainfall RGMA Journal Article
The Scenario Model Intercomparison Project (ScenarioMIP) for CMIP6 RGMA Journal Article
The Radiative Forcing Model Intercomparison Project (RFMIP): Experimental protocol for CMIP6 RGMA Journal Article Pincus, Robert University of Colorado - Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Sources of Errors in the Simulation of South Asian Summer Monsoon in the CMIP5 GCMs RGMA Journal Article Ashfaq, Moetasim Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Heat Budget Analysis of Northern Hemisphere High-Latitude Spring Onset Events RGMA Journal Article He, Jia Georgia Institute of Technology - School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Insights from a Refined Decomposition of Cloud Feedbacks RGMA Journal Article Zelinka, Mark Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) Contribution to CMIP6: Rationale and experimental design RGMA Journal Article
Uncertainties in Projecting Future Changes in Atmospheric Rivers and Their Impacts on Heavy Precipitation over Europe RGMA Journal Article Gao, Yang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) - Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division
Effects of a Warming Climate on Daily Snowfall Events in the Northern Hemisphere RGMA Journal Article Danco, James F University of Oklahoma Norman
Using GRACE and Climate Model Simulations to Predict Mass Loss of Alaskan Glaciers through 2100 RGMA Journal Article
Climate Feedback Variance and the Interaction of Aerosol Forcing and Feedbackx RGMA Journal Article
Land Surface Climate in the Regional Arctic System Model RGMA Journal Article Hamman, Joseph University of Washington
High-Resolution Coupling and Initialization to Improve Predictability and Predictions in Climate Models RGMA Workshop Report Joseph, Renu U.S. Department of Energy
Contribution of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation to Twentieth-Century Global Surface Temperature Trends RGMA Journal Article
Constraining the Low-Cloud Optical Depth Feedback at Middle and High Latitudes using Satellite Observations RGMA Journal Article Terai, Christopher Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Select Strengths and Biases of Models in Representing the Arctic Winter Boundary Layer: The Larcform 1 single column model intercomparison RGMA Journal Article
Prolonged El Niño conditions in 2014–2015 and the rapid intensification of Hurricane Patricia in the eastern Pacific RGMA Journal Article Foltz, Gregory NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
OCEANFILMS-2: Representing co-adsorption of saccharides in marine films improves agreement of modelled and observed marine aerosol chemistry RGMA Journal Article Burrows, Susannah Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Tropical Cyclone Activity under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 Compared to the Present RGMA Journal Article Bacmeister, J T
Warm Season Dry Spells in the Central and Eastern United States: Diverging Skill in Climate Model Representation RGMA Journal Article Zhao, Siyu Georgia Institute of Technology - School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Climate Impacts of Geoengineering in a Delayed Mitigation Scenario RGMA Journal Article
Simulating the Pineapple Express in the Half Degree Community Climate System Model, CCSM4 RGMA Journal Article
Future Changes in Regional Precipitation Simulated by a Half-Degree Coupled Climate Model: Sensitivity to horizontal resolution RGMA Journal Article
CMIP5 Temperature biases and 21st Century Warming around the Antarctic Coast RGMA Journal Article Little, Christopher M Atmospheric and Environmental Research Inc.
Phosphorus Feedbacks Constraining Tropical Ecosystem Responses to Changes in Atmospheric CO2 and Climate ESMD RGMA Journal Article Yang, Xiaojuan Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Confronting the 'Indian Summer Monsoon Response to Black Carbon Aerosols’ with the Uncertainty in its Radiative Forcing and Beyond RGMA Journal Article Kovilakam, Mahesh Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Showing 1171 - 1200 of 1418