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The entire collection of Earth and Environmental System Modeling Research Highlights can be accessed using the search below. You may also search the BER Research Highlights database by selecting Earth and Environmental System Modeling and/or Multisector Dynamics then selecting List.

Title Contact Institution Date
Implications of Climate Model Selection for Projections of Decision-Relevant Metrics: A Case Study of Chill Hours in California RGMA MSD Andrew D. Jones Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
The Intrinsic Skew Towards Cooling of Earth’s Climate RGMA Jian Lu Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Strong Remote Control of Future Equatorial Warming by Off-Equatorial Forcing RGMA Fei-Fei Jin University of Hawaii - Manoa
Using Cluster Analysis to Understand Future Changes in California's Wind Patterns RGMA MSD Paul Ullrich University of California Davis (UC Davis)
Simulating and Evaluating Atmospheric River Induced Precipitation Extremes Along the US Pacific Coast: Case Studies from 1980‐2017 RGMA MSD Xingying Huang University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
The Technical Specification of the CMIP6 Data Request RGMA Paul J. Durack Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Understanding Climate–Fire–Ecosystem Interactions Using a New Fire Model RGMA Yun Qian Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) - Atmospheric Sciences & Global Change Division
Characterizing Arctic Deltas and Their Impact on Land-Ocean Fluxes RGMA Anastasia Piliouras Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
20% US Electricity From Wind RGMA MSD S.C. Pryor Cornell University
Response of the Quasi‐Biennial Oscillation to a Warming Climate in Global Climate Models RGMA Jadwiga Richter National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Organized Thunderstorms Significantly Contribute to the Earth’s Energy Cycle RGMA L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Latest Earth System Models Predict More Global Warming than their Predecessors RGMA Mark Zelinka Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Model Quality Impacts Projections of Summer Rainfall RGMA Kenneth R. Sperber Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Detection Uncertainty Matters for Understanding Atmospheric Rivers RGMA William D. Collins Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Response of the Hadley Circulation to Regional Sea Surface Temperature Changes RGMA L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
A Simple Theory for the Modulation of Tropical Instability Waves by ENSO and the Annual Cycle RGMA Fei-Fei Jin University of Hawaii - Manoa
The Gathering Storm: Clouds Determine Drought or Drowning RGMA L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Mathematical Reconstruction of Radiocarbon From 12C: Application in the E3SM Land Model ESMD RGMA William J. Riley Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Optimizing Wind Turbine Deployment to Maximize Power RGMA S.C. Pryor Cornell University
Effects of hydrometeor droplet characteristics on wind turbine blade leading edge erosion RGMA MSD S.C. Pryor Cornell University
Modelling Hail and Convective Storms With WRF for Wind Energy Applications RGMA MSD S.C. Pryor Cornell University
Variability of the Stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and Its Wave Forcing Simulated in the Beijing Climate Center Atmospheric General Circulation Model RGMA Jadwiga Richter National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Assessing the Stability of Wind Resource and Wind Turbine Operating Conditions RGMA MSD S.C. Pryor Cornell University
Natural Variability of Antarctic Sea Ice Can Obscure Changes from CO2 and Surface Temperature Increases RGMA Philip Rasch Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Meridional Heat Transport During Atmospheric Rivers in High‐Resolution CESM Climate Projections RGMA Christine Shields National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Coupled Models Improve East Asian Monsoon Precipitation Simulation via Bias Compensation RGMA Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Soot Emissions Increase El Niño/La Niña Extremes RGMA Philip Rasch Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
A Quantitative Method to Decompose SWE Differences Between Regional Climate Models and Reanalysis Datasets RGMA MSD Andrew D. Jones Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)
Emergent Relationships Among Sea Ice, Longwave Radiation, and the Beaufort High RGMA Elizabeth C Hunke Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
The Potential to Reduce Uncertainty in Regional Runoff Projections from Climate Models RGMA Flavio Lehner National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

Showing 661 - 690 of 1370