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The entire collection of Earth and Environmental System Modeling Research Highlights can be accessed using the search below. You may also search the BER Research Highlights database by selecting Earth and Environmental System Modeling and/or Multisector Dynamics then selecting List.

Title Contact Institution Date
Projecting Future Energy Production from Wind Farms – Part 3 RGMA MSD Sara C Pryor Cornell University
How Humanists, Climate Scientists, and Communities Can Co-Produce Narratives for Action RGMA MSD Linda Shenk Iowa State University
Urban Land Patterns Can Moderate Population Exposures to Climate Extremes RGMA MSD Melissa S. Bukovsky University of Wyoming
Real-Time Attribution of the Influence of Climate Change on Extreme Weather Events: A Storyline Case Study of Hurricane Ian Rainfall RGMA MSD Michael Wehner Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) - Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division
Can DOE’s Flagship Earth System Model Skillfully Recreate Historic Flood Events? RGMA MSD Alan Rhoades Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Intensive and Extensive Margins of the Peak Load: Measuring Adaptation with Mixed Frequency Panel Data MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Penn State University
Downscaling and Bias-Correction Contribute Considerable Uncertainty to Local Climate Projections in CMIP6 MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
How Past U.S. Weather Events Could Replay in Future Climate Scenarios RGMA MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Representing Hydropower Reservoir Operations in Global Hydrological Models Improves Freshwater Projections ESMD MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Typologies of Actionable Climate Information and its Use RGMA MSD Kripa Jagannathan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Investigating Agricultural Trade’s Impact on Global Water Resources MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Potential Benefits in Remapping the Special Flood Hazard Area: Evidence from the U.S. Housing Market MSD John Weyant Stanford University
In-Depth Scenario Analysis Identifies Key Drivers Shaping Solar and Wind Energy Transitions Up to 2050 MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Understanding the Key Drivers of Anthropogenic Heat Impacts on Urban Temperatures MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Particulates, Fire Emissions Projected to Increase Due to Climate Change RGMA MSD Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Differentiable Modeling to Unify Machine Learning and Physical Models for Geosciences RGMA MSD Chaopeng Shen Pennsylvania State University
Dry Weather, Abundant Fuel Contributing to Longer Fire Season in the Western United States RGMA MSD Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Cost of Energy from Large Offshore Wind Arrays RGMA MSD Sara C Pryor Cornell University
Global Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Scaling with Sea Surface Temperature RGMA MSD Kevin Reed Stony Brook University
A Research Agenda for the Science Of Actionable Knowledge (SOAK) RGMA MSD Kripa Jagannathan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
From Supercomputers to Regional Climate Data: Exploring Best Practices for “Variable-Resolution” Modeling RGMA MSD L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Evaluating Contemporary and Future-Scenario Substantial-Precipitation Events in the Missouri River Basin Using Object-Oriented Analysis RGMA MSD William J. Gutowski, Jr. Iowa State University
Measuring the Impacts of Arctic Change on Transportation Systems MSD Stephanie Waldhoff Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Global Drivers of Local Water Stresses and Global Responses to Local Water Policies in the United States MSD John Weyant Stanford University
Exploring Hydrologic Predictions and Uncertainty with CLM5 across the United States MSD Jennie Rice Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Population Aging and Heat Exposure in the 21st Century: Which U.S. Regions Are at Greatest Risk and Why? MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Penn State University
Winter Windstorms in Pseudo-Global Warming Experiments RGMA MSD Sara C Pryor Cornell University
What Controls the Fate of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide? MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Navigating the Future of Global Water Use: A High-Resolution Analysis MSD Marshall Wise Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Heightened U.S. Coastal Hurricane Risk Under Global Warming RGMA MSD L. Ruby Leung Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Showing 31 - 60 of 388