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Project: Understanding Multistressor and Multiscale Drivers of Feedbacks, Cascading Failures, and Risk Management Pathways Within Complex MSD Systems
Title Contact Institution Date
Trade Can Buffer Climate-Induced Risks and Volatilities in Crop Supply MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
Impacts of Water-Related Building Moratoria on California's Housing Crisis MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
Inequalities in Global Residential Cooling Energy Use to 2050 MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
Generalizability of Heat-Related Health Risk Associations Observed in a Large Healthcare Claims Database of Patients with Commercial Health Insurance MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
Global Projections of Heat Exposure of Older Adults MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Penn State University
What Drives Uncertainty Surrounding Riverine Flood Risks? MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden The Pennsylvania State University
Linkages Between Riverine Flooding Risk and Economic Damage Over the Continental United States MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Penn State University
Delineation of Endorheic Drainage Basins in the MERIT-Plus Dataset for 5 and 15 Minute Upscaled River Networks MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
The Economics of Power System Transitions MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
Bayesian Spatial Models for Projecting Corn Yields MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
Intensive and Extensive Margins of the Peak Load: Measuring Adaptation with Mixed Frequency Panel Data MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Penn State University
Downscaling and Bias-Correction Contribute Considerable Uncertainty to Local Climate Projections in CMIP6 MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University
Potential Benefits in Remapping the Special Flood Hazard Area: Evidence from the U.S. Housing Market MSD John Weyant Stanford University
Global Drivers of Local Water Stresses and Global Responses to Local Water Policies in the United States MSD John Weyant Stanford University
Population Aging and Heat Exposure in the 21st Century: Which U.S. Regions Are at Greatest Risk and Why? MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Penn State University
Local, Regional, and Global Adaptations to a Compound Pandemic-Weather Stress Event MSD Karen Fisher-Vanden Pennsylvania State University

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